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Help me perfect a pup pricing formula!

Posted 2020-12-31 05:14:27

Hey! I think maybe the modifier for tier 1 could be lower, cause I used this formula on my pup, and it was 60 sc, which is for sure too high for her(i hope i didn't do something wrong...)


Posted 2021-01-02 06:36:06 (edited)

I have been following this for awhile now. I, personally, find it all a bit complicated but that's because math and I don't mix. So, i took the formula you guys have been working on and, after many trials and errors, I think I simplified it for my own use and this is what I have been using:

(copied directly from my sales thread, which is why it's worded the way it is)

This is the formula I have been using to price my pups:
What This means is:
20 sc base line

M=number of marks multiplied by 10
S= Sex. Males=1, Female=2
T=Tier (in regards to base) T1=1, T2=5
R=Rarity (in regards to base). Anything 0.4 and lower is a 2. Everything higher than that is 1
St=Stats.<250 is 1. 250-350 is 2, 351-450 is 3 ect

I wanted to thank you guys for doing this, I have found it to be a great help and super useful. Keep up the good work guys!

Edit: crap I just thought of something. I should probably have some sort of modifier for Fertility levels in Females....ok back to the drawing board.

Edit#2- So what do you think of this:

Fertility= Low -  Extremely low is a 2, everything else is a 1? Because trying to break down each thresh hold to a unit is going to make some RIDICULOUSLY high pricing in some cases, and I have seen more and more people wanting Low Fert females than high or average.


Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2021-01-02 07:47:47 (edited)

People want VLF females because in Lioden that gives you a better chance of producing mutations in the offspring, and the devs made a vague statement that fertility in wolvden would work similarly to fertility in Lioden. However I've had two polycephalic pups born and both were to average fertility females (older ones .... and hungry ...) and I know three people working on mass breeding for mutations who have produced mutations with fertilities other than VLF while their numerous VLF girls have given them nothing but empty energy bars and empty wallets. So .... it remains to be seen, but for now, if people are still willing to pay more for VLF in the absence of proof, then get it while you can :)


Posted 2021-01-02 07:49:22 (edited)

Noted! Thank you for the input :3 I was under the same assumption, so this was doubly helpful lol

Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2021-01-02 10:49:41

Yeah, in the tutorial I remember Tala saying something about low fertility. 

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2021-01-11 14:30:59 (edited)

I've been using this formula for a bit, so I've got some info for you!

First, I've made the following adjustments:

  1. Changed the stat modifier to start increasing a wolf's value once they reach 300+ stats, rather than 250+. This is because most posts I see on the Wanted: Wolves board are after wolves with over 300 stats. 
  2. Got rid of the Value Check, where a wolf got their worth doubled if they were female and T2. It was making my Tier 2s have HUGE prices, even if they had low stats and few markings. I just didn't feel that a 240 stat wolf with 3 markings was worth 800SC, even if they did have a T2 base. There may be another solution for this, such as putting in another 'potato' modifier that looks at the marking count, but I'm not good enough with Excel to mess with that.
  3. Not exactly a tweak to the formula itself, but if a marking is an exact duplicate of another marking, completely blends in with the base, or is below 10% opacity, I don't enter it into the formula. 

I have had 20 pups either be sold with this formula or reach adulthood and be chased. 4 were chased, 16 were sold. All 4 who were chased were males. Rollover is early for me, so I usually do it before bed. If I rollover, and go to bed with a just-aged-up female in the TC, she is sold by the time I wake up. Since this doesn't apply to male wolves, I assume it is because she's in heat. All 20 wolves have been T1s. I've only just started breeding T2s, so I'm keeping most of them for myself at this point. 

I have also applied this formula to some adult wolves with the following adjustments:

  1. If the wolf is over 4 years old, reduce price by 25%. 
  2. Multiply the price by any proficiency a wolf has (so a wolf with 100% proficiency in something would have their price doubled). 

I have sold 13 adults and chased 0 with this. Some were special NBWS (either chased or having an NBW exclusive trait) and some were pack members I wanted to replace. 4 of the 13 were Tier II. These wolves were put up as adults, and aren't counting the ones who were put up as pups and bought out the day they aged up. 

EDIT (because I have the memory of a goldfish and forgot to mention this): I always have item alternatives on my trades. So a wolf I have up for 100SC can also be bought for 4 Healing Salves, for example. More people take the item option than the SC option. 


Posted 2021-01-11 14:52:28

Most of my t1 pups, gender doesn't matter, don't even sell for 5 sc


Posted 2021-01-15 13:07:39 (edited)

I've been using a variation on this:
[20+(Regular Markings*5)+(Rare Markings*10)]*(Gender Mod)*(Coat Mod)*(Stat Mod)*(Skill Mod)
My judgement of Rare Markings is admittedly pretty subjective as I generally just guess if they are (I only do combo color markings as rare markings)
Gender mod is *.75 for males, *1 for females
Coat mod is *.5 for T1, *1 for T2, and nothing yet for T3 because I don't expect to have a T3 for a long time
Stat mod is in an adjustment phase, but currently: <250 is *.5, 250-350 is *.75, 350-450 is *1, 450-500 is *1.25, and 500+ is *1.5
Skill mod is also still a work in progress as I typically don't sell adult wolves, but it's currently *2 for any proficiency higher than 75.

With the current market, there's lots of rounding down by 5-10 SC depending on whether the wolf is particularly eye catching/well put together (in my opinion) or not. I've sold a few pups so far just by having them up in the TC and am hoping to keep doing so-but even if I don't, I do a lot of raise & chase so it all works out.

I've left out things I don't pay too much mind to/haven't gotten involved in yet, such as whether they're inbred or not (I try to avoid it but I don't actively check every lineage for every breeding), melanistic/albinos, primary mutations, T3, eyes, etc. 


Posted 2021-01-18 16:00:28

Another thought: should inbred/nib be a factor? What about bloodlines? From what I’ve seen, wolves related to the most prominent bloodlines are worth less than others. Another thing tho factor in would be are they a potential mutation carrier.

Starling 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2021-01-18 16:47:43

Hi, Irn! I hope i'm not overstepping anything, but your post actually got me really interested in creating a merchants guild! If anyone of here is also interested in selling other things than just pups, I have a thread canvassing for guild interest here

A couple of other members and myself are working on Irn's original formula for pup pricing and including modifiers for applicator/breed only eyes, T3 bases, and adjusting stats as we see more pups born with higher stats than usual! We also have a discord, which, if there's any interest to discuss further, there is an invite link in the 3rd comment on my post.


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