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Of the Black Moon (Interest Check)

Of the Black Moon (Interest Check)
Posted 2020-11-30 16:45:46 (edited)


Man destroys everything it touches. From the rivers to the ponds, the lakes to the oceans, the plains to the mountains, every piece of land granted to man has been demolished in some shape or form. Even the very air, something man can't do more than move in tangent with, has been damaged. Poisoned. And it's sickening, so sickening in fact, that action has been taken. The outsiders, the packs, the ones who have stayed true to nature and lived with the land, not on it, are making their move.

The high king has called for council, and the packs have obeyed. Joining in the forest of kings a meeting was held. The pack lords, the alphas, spoke with the high king as he stated his thoughts. Showed his anger, his fury with man and it’s destructive nature. He spoke of the land, and how they pulled more than it was able to provide, the forest, how they chopped down trees as old as time itself, the rivers and lakes, how they’d fished them dry and polluted the water with death. He spoke till he could speak no more, and once done he looked to his lords, to the packs behind them, and to the pups clinging to their parent's sides before speaking one last time. “Gaia is calling out in pain, will you not answer her call?!”


If you're at this part of the post then you'll have read the block of text above this. That, my dear friends, is the synopsis for an RP idea I've had for a bit. As of this point in writing, the majority of things have been set up for this rp. Lore, locations, a map. You name it, I've likely already made it. Not just for the rp but because I generally like the world I'm making and will probably build on it more and more as time goes on. The extension of things built for this also includes a discord server, which as of now is 98% complete (Only missing minor things) so I figured, being at this stage, I'd go ahead a throw up an Intrest check/Invite.

Inside the server, you'll be able to access a few things of notice. 
1. The rules. This is of course a general thing and just an extension of Wolvden's own rules, which you should already know.

2. Google docs, the overview, and lore. There are two documents in the server right now, the first, and the one you should initially look at is the basics. It'll give you an overview of what the RP  is about (wolf shifters and some plot stuff to sum it) as well as answer some basic questions. The second document is the Lore doc, which will give you a more in-depth view of things. You'll find these in the Lore corner channel. (warning, I'm, a little bit lazy so the lore doc has a few missing pieces lmao, it's not anything big, just, small details)   

3. Ranks.  I plan to keep this RP small (maybe 10-12 people max) but with multiple characters per person (average two, one shifter one human to balance things out). mos of the ranks will be filled. As of now, mostly low ranks have been claimed so high ones are still available   

That all having been said this is just the interest-check and not an official start to the RP, so, if your interest has been caught and you want to look further into it, here's a link to the server so you can browse the docs and make your choice on sticking around. Thanks for reading! 

Of the Black-Moon Server Link
(click that)


Posted 2020-12-06 05:06:08 (edited)

Wow that's badass👍


Posted 2020-12-06 13:09:51

lmao, thx <3 

Had to update the post since it's a bit outdated, but feel free to pop into the server if you like (also apologies if you did before and no one said hi, someone did but it was past midnight for most of us xD)


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