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Moving onto Bigger Prey?

Moving onto Bigger Prey?
Posted 2020-11-26 12:52:56
When did you guys start hunting larger prey instead of critter and small trails? My hunting party just got to 40% and has 4 wolves but I’ve yet to try out anything above critter if I can help it.


Posted 2020-11-26 13:02:30

My main hunting party is 4 wolves at 100% synergy and proficiency. I started going for medium trails when my party was at roughly 40% synergy, and they’ve been successful at bringing in medium & large prey, but I found it easiest to wait until their proficiency and synergy were at least 70% before going on large hunts regularly. 

I think it also depends on that biome you’re in and what your wolves’ specific stats are, but idk much about that.


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