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The final sacrifice(open

Posted 2021-01-09 23:53:34

Sure, and thanks! I was worried his shapeshifting ability was too over powered.))

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

Posted 2021-01-10 01:49:38

No, compared to some it's not bad at all. I'll repost Kenna's profile)

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2021-01-10 01:51:10

Name: Kenna Allmarca

Age: 21

Rank: Alpha Female of the Blood Pack

Gender: Female

Human Appearance: A reasonably tall normal looking girl. Her hair reaches halfway down her back, pitch black, and her skin is caramel toned. Her eyes are actually gold although among humans she uses contacts (dark brown). Usually wearing heavy, dark makeup, her aesthetic is pretty much jewels. Choker, rings, chains mostly. Kenna has a large tattoo, almost like a snake curling down her left arm and wears mostly cropped tops, black leggings, a leather jacket and boots.

Shifted Appearance: As a wyvern, Kenna is almost completely pitch black but the horns that crown her head are dark bloody red that deepens to black. She has a black underside with red and gold veins that glint in her wings. Kenna also has what is almost like a necklace, a ring of gold and red scales around her neck and fading down to black as they reach her underside. Her eyes are gold. Strangely, the tattoo she has in human form stays with her in dragon. But it's barely noticeable. When the light hits her left shoulder and wing, it glimmers darker.

Shape Shifting: Wyvern

Shape Shifting Powers: Kenna can control shadows although her nose and ears will bleed depending on how much she uses it and she can speak telepathically in her dragon form.

Personality: Kenna is firey, determined, loyal, snappish. She's someone you want on your side in a fight and rarely backs down. Not much is known about her, she's very antisocial. She's fluent in sarcasm and quite rude, keeping herself from getting attached to people.

Other: Kenna is a panromantic asexual and  Lysandra from Throne Of Glass is my favourite shifter

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2021-01-10 06:33:34

Accepted hop in

Maria Skylar

Posted 2021-01-15 13:45:44 (edited)

Name: Soliuos (Sol-e-us)

Age: 29

Rank: Beta Male of Bloodpack

Gender: Male


Shape shifting: American Black bear

Personality: Aggressive-Mean-Strict


Posted 2021-01-15 14:04:19


Maria Skylar

Posted 2021-01-15 14:31:21
The Alpha male of Blood Pack was already taken by SolarHowling. You could be Beta or something?)

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2021-01-15 15:52:42 (edited)

Buy the way this is a maybe up wolf not mine

NAME  moonstone 

AGE.   17

RANK. Alpha female of lunar pack

HUMAN.  5 feet skinny with long black hair and copper skin and silver eyes likes to wear dark jeans a black shirt and a black flannel and usually has hair in ponytails 

GENDER female 

APPEARENCE  pure black with silver on legs silver crown marking and a silver Cape tickle 

SHAPE SHIFTING POWER.  Turns in to a pantherwith similar markings and can blend in to surroundings 

PERSONALITY mysteries and funny

BIO.  Was an orphan and was found by a strange wolf that was all black with silver eyes and was brought to the old lunar pack female and was then raised and became alpha female 

OTHER  None but is starting twilight 

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-15 16:16:46

Accepted. You may hop in

Maria Skylar

Posted 2021-02-15 19:39:28 (edited)

Name: Lilac

Postion: Alpha Female of SkyPack, Head Worrior of BloodPack

Pack: BloodPack (when she is really the Alpha Female of the SkyPack, thus this an inflatration).

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appereance - Human: As a young girl, Lilac learned to transform and that drasticly changed her eye and hair colour. Her irises are now bright purple, while her hair is as dark as the ambisal night. Her skin is, in contrast to this, very pale - but not unhealthy. As she lives alone, Lilac often sneeks in and out of places for recurces and has gained a lean, swift posture. Her arms and legs are thin and long, almost like that of a monkey.

Appereance - Shifted: Lilac has two forms, one is an Ambisal Ibis and the other is a Nightmare Canine (Wolf). The Ibis is an enormous, black bird with dark flames rolling off of her body and from her feathers. Eyes are sharp, keen and red.   The Wolf is a lean, swift animal with leathally sharp fangs that can extend out just like those of a snake. The Nightmare is litearly Lilac on four paws, exept the fact that her hair jet-midnight coloured hair now covers every inch of her body in the form of bristle, strong fur.

Shape Shifter Powers: Lilac's Ambisal has two Main Cast Spells:

1. White Ashes. The bird spins and twirls in the sky, targeting its target and then goes for it in a strait line. Then the wind rises and black smoke surrunds her and the victim. She 'hugs' her prey with her wings and thus leads the center of the raging storm to it, ripping them apart. All that remains are ashes that turn snow-white upon touching the Ibis.;

2. Cresent Moon. Now covered in white bc of the ashes, she rises to the sky, covering the sun/moon with herself. Once infron, a bright cresent shines down on everything before Lilac. Six fires start dancing around her and then she swoops in with them. Once reaching her target, the Ibis releases a terrifieng shriek and hits the victim together with the balls of flame. In the ground there's a mark shaped in the form of a Cresent Moon and the high temperature is sure to burn enything down.

She can also control this demonic flame, as in direct it and form it in any shape.

Lilac's Nightmare Canine (Wolf) has Two Death Sycles:

1. Lung Wings. Lilac uses all the colective masculine strenght and pushes out the air from one of her lung wings, that carries a lot of her prana. When the victim breathes in, the Azure Acid that Wolf naturally produces spreads accross their lung system and they suffocate. BUT there is a price to pay - by using this move, Lilac makes one of her lung wings unuseable and has to wait a 24h range to collect a ball of prana from the body of the fallen, once the soul rises.

2. Swiriling Heart. The Nightmare Canine bites the target's chest, thus spreading Lilac's prana throught the blood system leading away to their heart. Once inside, the prana that comes from her heart swirils around their heart like a snake and crushes it.  COST: Lilac's left without a few moments of heart beat. VERY DANGEROUS even through she used it up MANY times!

Bio: Has been living all alone for as long as she remembers. The forests, the mountains, the prairy, the city, the sea, the canions, the deserts, the fields, the jungles, even the atmosphere. She has been everywhere, in search of a home. Receantly started travelling with Shadow Demon, the Demon part is his Shifter Form's name, a huge wrestling dog. Shadow is from the SkyPack, well - was born there. They are slowly falling in love. I'll aply him as the Son of Whoever's gonna be the Alpha Pair of the SkyPack.

Personality: Misterious, Introverted. Is scared of killing anyone else, yet has done it so many times. Rough on the outside, but very caring on the inside. She tends to distance herself from others, in fear of attachment bc she can die at any moment.

Other: Is currently under the affect of the Reversal Lung Wing Sycle (saving a life by giving away your own lung wing's usuability through prana) where the cooldown is a 1 week range. Lilac has trouble breathing and coughs a lot. 

Also, Lilac and Shadow Demon are my Original Charactes from an Original Species - Space Shifters. Please, do not copy!


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