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Random thoughts I NEED ANSWERS

Random thoughts I NEED ANSWERS
Posted 2020-11-20 23:59:35

1.  the purpose of a lock is to turn a door into a wall

2. If time is money...does that mean...a ATM machine is a time machine


A - a
T- time
M- machine

3.What color is a mirror?

4. Birth certificates are just baby receipts

5.  Do lions now if sharks exist

6. What if we can breath in space but they don't want us to escape

7. If you replace the letter "W" in when, what, and where,  with a "T" you have the answer

8. Your future self is talking shit about you right now

9. Did the Brain name it's self?

10. If a blind person has a dream can they see it?

My head hurts 

(I will add more when they come to me)


Posted 2020-11-22 10:00:43

Oh my gosh, this is genius! I've honestly never thought of this is it's just amazing :0  Now it's making my brain hurt xD


Posted 2020-11-22 10:40:27

lol I know , I thought it would be a good idea to share this and have something to talk about though,

I think the ATM one gets me the most 


Posted 2020-11-22 14:20:50

the atm one is rlly just

blowing my mind right now




Posted 2020-11-22 15:00:50

I know right lol


Posted 2020-11-22 22:14:08

1.  the purpose of a lock is to turn a door into a wall

A: yea thats right.not something i can give an answer for though sorry

2. If time is money...does that mean...a ATM machine is a time machine


A - a
T- time
M- machine

A: thats fricking messed up...its true

3.What color is a mirror?

A: its green if you point a mirror at amother mirror uyou can see the imperfectiom in the glass because of the iron makes it green

4. Birth certificates are just baby receipts

A: but you cant use them to return it to the store

5.  Do lions now if sharks exist

A: probly not because thers no sharks on the savannah but i dont thin they would care really

6. What if we can breath in space but they don't want us to escape

A: would you rather float in space until yuo dehydrate to death or just get uit over with and suffocate right away?not a rhetordical questuin it is simply up to personal preference.

7. If you replace the letter "W" in when, what, and where,  with a "T" you have the answer

A: wten, wtat, wtere? i dont get it

8. Your future self is talking shit about you right now

A: im doing it right now ""-_- i usedto say some dumb stuff  i shoundnt have

9. Did the Brain name it's self?

A: brains named everthing on earth

10. If a blind person has a dream can they see it?

A: only if they werent blind from birth

evil wolf guy

Posted 2020-11-22 22:20:22

number 7. Replace the W with a T

When, Where, and what

Then, there, and that

and the answer to number 4 made me laugh 

I lot of your answers are very cool things I never knew like with mirrors and with blind people, Thank you for filling my brain with knowledge 


Posted 2020-11-22 22:26:41

your welcome im glad to help and bring youa funny joke too

evil wolf guy

Posted 2020-11-23 10:12:27

nice fire gif

ur response on number 4 also made me laugh


Posted 2020-11-23 11:36:35

1. Yeah basically 

2. nah. Time is money but money isn’t time. You can spend time for money but you can’t use money to buy more time. Unless it’s like. A “your money or your life!” Kinda thing... huh. Ok maybe.

3. Every color, but a little more green

4. Ya

5. There is probably some lions that have seen a shark. There are sharks that live in the ocean around Africa, and some sharks have been seen swimming up rivers so. Probably some lions have seen them.

6. I don’t have anything to say about this one...

7. Yeah that’s cool. I have to think that’s intentional but I don’t know enough about the history of the English language.

8. Yah

9. Depends 

✨✨ Birdie ✨✨

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