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Posted 2020-12-01 18:13:42 (edited)
Woops sorry nevermind, confused normal slots with HQ, hahaha


Posted 2020-12-01 18:14:53

 Mimi96 all of my normal slots are taken but my HQ slot is open :)


Posted 2020-12-01 18:15:54

I'll try and see if I can get enough for the HQ slots if nobody claims it by then!! If not I'll just wait for the normal :D


Posted 2020-12-01 18:18:31

 Mimi96 sounds good! <3


Posted 2020-12-03 08:15:58

is there any headshot slots open?


Posted 2020-12-03 12:40:25

☁︎︎Sleepytally☁︎︎ not of the normal ones, sorry :( you could get a HQ headshot though but its a bit pricey


Posted 2020-12-03 16:29:03

Hi, could you maybe draw a simple unshaded heashot of two wolves but in one picture? If one wolf is 100 SC, for two of them together I could give you 200 SC? If that's fine...


Posted 2020-12-03 19:03:46

 Amaruq my normal slots are full at the moment, sorry!


Posted 2020-12-06 22:53:41

I'd like to take the HQ slot with a fullbody + a background

This is my character, his name is Octavian, and he has a muscular build and a lot of ~floof~. He is a pretty judgmental, cranky, and possessive boy. I don't have any special requests but it would be preferred that he doesn't look to happy.

Some things I would like to see but aren't have to's is blood on his face and dramatic lighting. But like I said it's not something I have to have in the finished product.

If your comfortable drawing this, Octavian often has an American Mink hitching a ride on him somewhere or running by his side, it would be nice if you were to include her, if not I understand.

Lastly, will 63GC be enough to cover this?


Posted 2020-12-18 20:10:01 (edited)

im back- with another snap, are you open for comms rn?

if not, any time frame for when they will be open again?


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