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Fly's Character Vault

Fly's Character Vault
Posted 2020-11-19 00:59:26 (edited)

Character Sheet

Theme: Sci-Fi, High Fantasy, Slice-Of-Life, nonspecific magical wild animals, Victorian Steampunk, 1940's-50's Dieselpunk, Dystopian Young Adult Novel...

Name: Character Name

Alias(es): Nicknames, Usernames, Callsigns, Titles, Monikers, Pseudonyms...

Species/Race: Obviously, its important to know if you're a dark elf, a krogan, an anthropomorphic talking bird, or a mundane grizzly bear.

Age: The Golden Years don't last forever... cherish them. Goblins get like... two.

Gender: Gender identity ♡

Preference: Homosexual, Panromantic, Questioning...

Occupation: Warlord? Space Captain? Courier? Royal Court Jester? Clocksmith? Thief? Space Thief???

Short Bio: Lorem ipsum blah blah blah...

Brief Personality: Some traits, some flaws, some ideals, maybe a bond or two.

Equipment: the least predictable section. Armor, weapons, technology (whatever that is)...

Abilities: The important inherent things. Magic & combat skills/experience, mainly. Natural, species-specific traits such as natural weapons and wings would go here as well.

Skills: Normal people things. I'm talking oil painting. Classical singing. Ballroom dancing. Airship maintenance and repair. Et cetera.


Posted 2020-11-19 14:51:43

Character Sheet

Theme: Low Fantasy 

Name: Cecilio Corvanacci

Alias(es): Crowcilio, Crow

Species/Race: Birdfolk

Age: 22

Gender: Male (Transgender, FTM)

Preference: Pansexual / Panromantic 

Occupation: Oil Painter to the King & Guild Artisan

Short Bio: Crowcilio was born and raised on the beautiful cliffsides and grottos of coastal Firenzi, where he learned his trade. He became renowned for his work very early, and at age 16 he was summoned to the castle of the late human King Edward, where he was invited to accept a permanently position painting portraits and landscapes for his halls. Crowcilio would remain there through the end of Edward's rule and into Prince Ezra's, where he still remains.

Brief Personality: Crow is a timid but friendly gentleman. He prefers the finer things, but never forgets his humility. As a birdfolk, Crowcilio is familiar with being looked down upon, as his people are commonly seen as messengers of the devil by religious types. As a result, he keeps to his castle and guild, where he is praised and protected. He is dreadfully defensive about his work in the face of critics, especially unwelcome ones.

Equipment: Crowcilio carries little more than a fanciful heirloom dagger, gifted to him by his dying father when he was young. It remains in excellent condition. He occasionally carries a simple but functional rapier when fencing for sport.

Abilities: Crow is more dexterous than he is strong. Quick, nimble, and short, he does well with a rapier and his dagger. He has no magical capabilities to speak of, but dabbles in tinkering. He has crafted a few clockwork trinkets and can do so quickly.

Skills: Painting of all mediums, sketching, basic medicine, clock repair and clockwork tinkering, fencing.

Appearance: (outfit to be updated for theme. Wears fancy, earthy-toned jackets over ruffle shirts and pantaloons. No shoes. Cause birb feet. Occasionally wears a cap, and sometimes adorns it with his own feather, mainly to mock others who wear feathers in their cap in front of him.)


Posted 2021-03-11 11:59:06

Theme: nonspecific fantasy or futuristic fantasy, also works for dystopia.

Gaelsyn: he/his/them, aro-ace.

Alias: The Truthful (callsign, signature with an indigo spade), Saint Cuthbert's.

Age: 20 years old.

Species: changeling-touched human who uses the body parts of other species to transform.

Occupation: Courtier, advisor, bountyhunter, he's a jack of all trades.

Abilities: Tremorist (can cause small quakes), hydrokine (controls the flow of water in surroundings and can detect water sources over a distance of one acre). Currently can become a capricorn, selkie, jersey devil, and otter.

Appearance: mahogany-hued skin, with subtle chrysochlorous gradience around eyes, from mouth down to throat, and shoulders. Feathery flaxen hair tied back in low short tail with wheat. Black fingernails. Adorned in cargo shorts and translucent umber open shoulder top, with reappropriated ivory bangles, earrings, and clasps stolen from illegal hunters. Bar tattoos on entire legs and back.

Personality: Helpful, encouraging, steadfast. Whimsical, distrusting, cynical.

Skills: He is literate and therefore of use as a scribe, herbal medicine, woodcarving, archery, fishing.

Equipment: A dragonfly-winged synthetic mink with six legs and a synthetic eel-like amphithere.

Base: The delta of the Lethe, of which its purifying waters are sought far and wide.


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