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Discord Wolf rp (BRANDNEW)

Discord Wolf rp (BRANDNEW)
Posted 2020-11-18 16:14:13

Come join ! Members needed! Ranks open! Pick between two packs! (Please be 16+ in order to join due to language)

~Pack Descriptions~

>Well Mannered Pack

This pack is known for their educated bloodline of highly ranked and highly respected ancestors. Their punctual, well adapted in stressful situations. Never on edge or uneasy these wolves know their exits as soon as they are in new territory. Skilled and loyal in fighting they put their family first and rules second. They live a life of ease and every member pulls their weight as much as needed. They are remorseful when it comes to avenging a member and will fight till their last breath to see the favor returned, whatever it may have been. They live in a forest area thick with winding rivers and cliffs. Lush foliage and usually warm and quiet.

>Rebel River Pack

This pack has a tendency to stir up mischief around the areas they travel. Never ones to give up an opportunity for a good time they are on the well Mannered list of bad news. Their cunning, slick and fast at the tongue to get what they need/want. A mixture of bloodlines they tend to follow the strongest and think of nothing else but their self. What the alpha says is done whether it be good or awful. This pack lives by the rule of survival of the fittest and some by the rule every wolf for themselves. This pack resides in a dark and weathered area. Usually chilly and foggy and sometimes raining. Not as lush in foliage but plenty of trees.


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