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Let's chat about your favourite video game experience !

Posted 2020-11-19 12:14:49

Horizon Zero Dawn looks very interesting ! Super pretty and I heard the story is really good as well. 

 I'm currently playing the last Assassin's Creed : Valhalla. It's been a week and I can't stop playing haha. I absolutely love the sceneries, the story is interesting so far and I already feel so attached to the characters. 


Posted 2020-11-19 12:21:01

Ohhh!! I love AC! Especially the Syndicate game is amazing, too bad my pc is so bad that it won't run it lol...


Posted 2020-11-20 05:46:25

 I'm playing on ps4 because my pc is pretty bad too haha Can't even run the Sims 4 without it burning ( well almost ). 

 For AC, I played Odyssey and a bit of Black Flag but I never had the chance to play the others ! I wish I could try playing the old ones again. 

 I also really want to try the old Zelda games. I think some might be quite fun and It's probably going to be very challenging. 


Posted 2020-11-20 05:50:59

Journey isn't a video game, it's an experience.

It's truly magical to finish the game for the first time and have a totally random person follow you throughout the whole game. Both staying back and waiting if the other falls or makes a mistake, and then warm each other on the snow levels... ;; I cry every time.


Posted 2020-11-20 09:01:42

my favorite video game is sea of thieves

it is frequently action filled, with world events constantly happening and enemy pirates (both player and skeleton) roaming the seas. nothing feels as adrenaline inducing as sneaking onto an enemy ship with a gunpowder keg and blowing the whole thing sky high, or cannoning yourself onto an enemy ship, sword out and ready for action. the hilarious thrill of harpooning a megalodon and flying around on your ship. a big favorite of mine is teaming up with another ship you meet on the seas and absolutely demolishing everyone else.

but the quiet moments stick out to me the most, as the game is just beautifully made. the way the sun hits the water early in the morning. the sounds of walking across sand and stone and dirt, the noises of plants shifting as you run through them. playing a shanty on the way to your destination. the beautiful water and incredible waves that change depending on the weather. words can't do those waves justice, seriously the ocean is stunning (click).

like any game there are annoying and frustrating moments. getting sunk and losing all of your stuff majorly sucks. but the good moments make up for the unpleasant ones, in my opinion.

it's an open world sandbox game with a leveling system and several trading companies, but there is also a super interesting campaign and lots of awesome lore (captain falcore on youtube is the guy to check out for this). my favorite part about the game is its not pay to play. there are cosmetics and pets that you can purchase with real money but having the ability to spend real money won't give you an advantage over other players. anything you purchase, with real money or in game money, is nothing but cosmetic. the only way you can get better is by putting in work and becoming more experienced at the game.


Posted 2020-11-20 10:25:15

 I watched a lot of videos about Sea of Thieves and even though I never played it I definitely agree with you Four. The game is really pretty and one of the aspect I think I'll enjoy the most is all the quests. I saw that you really have to do a bit of thinking for the quests and even if I was only watching someone play, it was sooo exciting ! Truly hope I can play someday ! 

 As for Journey, I never had the chance to experience it but what you're describing seems very wholesome. 


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