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Ashy's super cheap CSS!

Ashy's super cheap CSS!
Posted 2020-11-16 15:55:45 (edited)

Heya there! I'm a rampant CSSer. Just take a look at these dens I worked on! They include personalized font, personalized pictures, personalized colors for each energy/exp/hp/etc bar, and I'm currently trying to figure out text tables and the like! It's exciting! 

The two dens: 

My own! Woohoo! 

My brother's! 

Mimi's den!

CSS is something I just love doing, so I want to lend my services out! ;P I'll cut to the chase, and give you your prices. 

Conversion rate(cheapest i could manage)- 75  = 1 


(includes basic color changes, background img, and font change. please provide a font via this site.)

+ dynasty/nesting/overview/breeding images - 2  

+ gradients instead of flat colors anywhere - 1 

+ 5 tweaks/changes - FREE

+ tweaks/changes more than 5 - 30  each

Please fill this form out. :) 

My ID: (important for labelling)

My breeding male's ID: (necessary for changing breeding image)(If you dont want these changed, you can leave this blank.)

Color palette/colors I like: (you can insert basic colors by name, or hex codes) 

Theme: (ex. mint chocolate, peaches, cowboy, kingdom hearts, snow)

Fonts I like: (pick one or two, please. Not too many!)

I want changes in my dynasty/breeding/etc images: Y/N 

I want gradients: Y/N 

Preferred payment method: SC, GC, a mix of them, art, in-game items (list items! RMAs and herbs (30+) are great.)


1. 12965



Woollybutt 🐩

Posted 2020-11-17 13:27:39

Your CSS is lovely! Would you be interested in a trade for me coloring one of my art bases for you? Stained Glass or Cartoon


Posted 2020-11-17 17:48:10

@Kweh oh gosh, your art is lovely... surprise me with my main wolf or her king Sundown, maybe? ^^ 

go ahead and fill out the form!! 

Woollybutt 🐩

Posted 2020-11-17 17:57:12

My ID: Mimi96#10911

My breeding male's ID: #336032 A Link in case 💜

Color palette/colors I like: My favorite color is purple!! I really like really like soft/pastel purples but it can also be like the one in my current css ^^

Theme: I don't have anything heavily specific it mind! I think something "artistic" or "natural" would be super cute 

Fonts I like: What a cute font

I want changes in my dynasty/breeding/etc images: Y

I want gradients: Y

Preferred payment method: 225sc (3gc) + 3gc + 2gc for images + 1 gc for gradients= 225sc and 6gc

Hope everything's correct and thanks!


Posted 2020-11-17 18:01:18 (edited)

Oh! Hehe.. you chose MY favorite font, too. Did you have a specific image you wanted for the background? Or just a flat color/gradient? :) 

And— what images do you want for each? 





Woollybutt 🐩

Posted 2020-11-17 18:05:26

Let me do a bit of searching for cute stuff and I'll come back!! 💜


Posted 2020-11-17 18:05:54

Take your time. ^^

Woollybutt 🐩

Posted 2020-11-17 18:30:47

Back! I use this website to get nice f2u pics if you're curious :D

Background: These are super cute, whatever you think fits better 💜

This one's super rad (my fav)

Simple sky

Pretty sky (2nd favorite)

Nesting, Breeding, Dynasty, Overview: Their all cloud pics so I'll place them all together! You can give them any order that you think looks nicey ^^

Cloud 1

Cloud 2

Cloud 3

Cloud 4

Tell me if you need more :)


Posted 2020-11-17 18:36:51

This is great! I’ll be finished by tomorrow afternoon. ^^ I will pm you if I need anything else. :]

Woollybutt 🐩

Posted 2020-11-17 18:41:56
Do you want payment now? ^^


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