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Posted 2020-09-28 17:48:17 (edited)


Here she is... my golden dream, my forever girl.

Marking 1:
White Inverted Agouti (100%)


Marking 2:Gray Mantle (50%)


Marking 3:Silver Shaded (100%)
Marking 4:Beige Neck (50%)
Marking 5:Beige Back Heavy Patch (50%)

Marking 6:Beige Predator (50%)

Marking 7:Beige Patchy Unders (50%)

Marking 8:Beige Dilution (50%)

Marking 9:White Bottoms (100%)

Marking 10:White Trim (100%)

My Goal In Life -- or at least, in my Wolvden life -- is to breed the beautiful girl depicted above, make her my lead female, and then repose in glorious happiness forever more.

Sadly there is one problem with this and that is the gottdang Silver Shaded marking. Breeding only by color, and RMA or rare NBW only by shape, getting the silver shaded marking in the exact slot I want it, while also acquiring/preserving the other 9 markings, not to mention the skin/nose/claws/eyes colors... is going to be an adventure

So! This here will be my strategy journal as I pursue my heartfelt quest, the Quest for the Kodaway.

Step 1: Get a wolf with a White Shaded marking in Slot 3

Harder than it sounds! As of my writing this (9/28/2020), there is exactly one wolf in the entire game who has a White Shaded marking in Slot 3, and that is Vulp's Huntress Hen, a truly lovely lady. I've contacted Vulp, and the two of us have brokered a deal: 250 SC in exchange for a female pup with White Shaded in Slot 3. Huntress Hen is currently nursing another litter, so it'll be a while, but that's step 1 (more or less) accomplished!!!

Step 2: Breed the White Shaded (in slot 3) wolf to a Black Shaded (in slot 3) wolf until Silver Shaded happens

Stormborn's Greywind is a stud with a handsome Calcite base and a Charming temperament, which makes me happy as anything. Once I have Hen's daughter, I can start sending her out with Greywind until they turned up a pup with Silver Shaded.

Step 3: much GC do you have. Asking for a friend.

Here's where the plan diverges. Either I breed Greywind's silver son to my current lead (Sky, utterly perfect except for marking %s and no silver shaded) until they just happen to turn up the exact right markings and skin/nose/claws/eye colors, OR I save up as much SC as I can to buy my way into GC, etc., until I have enough marking removers and applicators, etc., to fix the incorrect markings. I already have a Base Changer and enough Opacity Changers to fix 10 markings -- next step is to buy the Skin/Nose/Claws/Eyes changers (4 GC in total). Next step after THAT is to start buying marking removers. Next step after THAT is applicators.

Edit (9/29/20): CUJO IS THE BEST FOREVER AND EVER AMEN <3 Thanks to the generous donation of a set of Skin, Claw, and Nose changers, I'm now ahead of the game!! Next is an Eye Changer ^u^


Posted 2020-09-28 23:26:22 (edited)
Don't Forget Me

Posted 2020-09-28 23:32:36

Oh, she is gorgeous! I wish you all the luck in this endeavor! 


Posted 2020-09-29 14:39:22

Thank you!! I am very excited but also wildly unprepared


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