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Posted 2020-11-14 04:11:26 (edited)

The frosty glimmer of leaf-bare shone as the pale sun cast unworming sunlight. The coldest season of the year just started,and yet a blizzard came too early causing kits and elders die within the clans . A river reflected the shapes of swift moving cats as they moved through the trampled reeds,half buried in the snow. A black apprentice  jumped to his paws as a rabbit ran our of its burrow. The patrol followed the blood trail and soon saw the black apprentice holding the rabbit in his mouth.

-Well done,Blizzardpaw.  

Blizzardpaw buried the rabbit in the blood-stained snow. A faint mewing caught their ears and they pricked. A tortoiseshell signaled  to crouch withher long tail. The cats stalked trough the snow. At once Blizzardpaw shot forward and trough the frozen stream casting the thin ice to crack.


But the black tom kept running. He soon came back with a small sandy-colored bundle in his mouth and crossed the stream again. He laid the kit gently to the ground. They heard enormous barking on the other side,and two dogs shot through the bushes. The tortoiseshell's  eyes filled with fear. But the dogs did not cross.They barked and yaped.  The cats ran deeper into the forest  till they reached a small clearing. There they stood,panting.

-Good job about that.

-Well I  smelled dogs..and ...well was the right thing to do.

-I think it's time for a warrior ceremony.

The tom's eyes shone  at his mentor's words. He waited long for this moment

-Do you think Falcon-...

-I'm sure he will. Now let's go back to camp,this kitten has to be cared for. 


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