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Animated Icons-limited sale!

Animated Icons-limited sale!
Posted 2020-11-13 00:53:04 (edited)

I need a tiny bit of money fast, so I was hoping to sell a couple discounted animated icons!Colored and shaded with a simple bg, of any character u would like!

12 usd through paypal, and the payment would be immediately but I will finish these by the end of the weekend!Usually they're 25 but ayyy,,,,wolvden discount  :3c


 Some exampels!
I could also maybe do something like these lil pixel pagedolls for 5usd :oc


(Pixel or animated)
Animation type-
(Smile, sneeze etc! feel free to be descriptive!) 
(Any kinda background is ok, transparent, colored, drawn)

Then I will dm you to talk more C:
Ty for looking!!


Posted 2020-11-13 02:12:09

animated icon!

Animation type-
somethin like a snarky giggle would be cute!!

a light bluegray color similar to their horns would be great i think!


Posted 2020-11-13 02:59:08

Character- Orville
Style- Animated
Animation type- Would something like a evilsh grin and bite would work?
BG- Maybe like a volcanic setting?


Posted 2020-11-13 03:29:56

If I'm unable to order two at once, no biggie—I can always come back later, I'd prioritise the icon!  Loving your art though omg it's gorgeous 🥺👉👈

Character: Katze (Reference)
Style: Animated Icon
Animation Type: If you'd be up for this, I'd love if she could do a blep, blush, and bashfully close her eyes at once, almost like going from a :3 face to 😝, I'd be more than happy to pay extra for this. :D
Background: Pastel rainbow gradient

Character: Katze (Reference)
Style: Pixel
Animation Type: A simple bobbing/breathing animation like you have in your examples is more than fine!
Background: Transparent

This member is an Admin. Katze

Posted 2020-11-13 03:37:19

Character- Tora my sabretooth cat character
Style- animated!
Animation type- I would love if you could make her with a snarky/evil smile and that she winks as she bends/nods her head?
BG- something with the same color as their eye. maybe like a cave with one or two crystals?


Posted 2020-11-13 03:38:35

I’m going to come back with an idea later, but for now I would love to say that these are absolutely phenomenal. Great work!


Posted 2020-11-13 03:54:00

character: salem (i'm a clown and forgot to put the dark marks under her eyes on her headshot, but they should be there!)
style: animated icon!
animation type: could she grin/open her mouth and maybe tilt her head a little like she's saying something snarky?
BG: would a little sunset cityscape be alright? nothing super complex, i'm thinking of something similar-ish to your second example!


Posted 2020-11-13 05:22:22 (edited)

Style- Animated Icon (this ones popular)
Animation Type- Smiling,  something happy
BG- Not sureee maybe some nature like a forest


Posted 2020-11-16 09:51:49

Character- Sunfall 

Style- Pixel

Animation type- Maybe a lil' fluff up?

BG- Transparent

If you're still open, of course!


Posted 2020-11-16 19:30:42

Character: REF 1 II REF 2

Style: Animated

Animation type: Maybe going from an idle/bored face to a wicked, cocky grin - you can play with smoke elements if you want to!

BG: I'll give you artistic liberty with this one; whatever you feel fits! Purple flames usually look pretty good behind him, but a purple hued desert, forest, etc. could work just as well!

(I'm looking to pay in USD and I'm prepared to throw $30+ at ya if you take this guy on) <3

Kismet Karma

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