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Raise & Chase

Posted 2020-12-01 08:12:34 (edited)

Prize update! As a personal choice, every person to chase 20 wolves for the project gets one breeding with my T2 stud refunded 150 SC! Meaning it costs 30 SC. And anyone who chases 50 wolves gets lifetime breedings with the same refund rate!

edit: please don’t chase plain/low marking/crummy looking wolves just to reach 20 faster

Starling 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2020-12-01 08:28:21

guys I have a shit load of tier II pups / adolescents

i don't have space so feel free to take them


Posted 2020-12-01 08:47:10

I can take up to 3 growing up tomorrow, 1 growing up the day after, and/or up to 2 growing up within the next week or so after the day after tomorrow. Although with the tier 2s, could I maybe keep one?

Starling 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2020-12-01 08:52:11

please don't.

I took me a lot of resources to feed every single one every day. but a few are are aging the day after tomorrow.


Posted 2020-12-01 09:02:29

Ok. Does that still apply if I buy out one of the trades? (Sorry I really like a few of the pups)

Starling 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2020-12-01 09:07:40

Just chased one brass female with 4 markings and one gold lighter female with 5 markings, also taking care of a steele 5m and a sandy 2m :D

Unika 🦇

Posted 2020-12-01 16:06:04

Just want everyone to know, I found a previously chased Sterling female NBW!

Starling 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2020-12-01 16:09:22



Posted 2020-12-01 16:10:54

Thanks! I feel like it’s proof that this project (and other like it) is working!

Starling 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2020-12-01 16:47:14
Name: Zeeb
A bit about me: I'm not the best at summarizing myself. I'm a gaming nerd who loves canines, and I am owned by a ferret named Benny. :V I live in the southeastern United States, so RO happens when my clocks hit 2AM. However, time means nothing and you'll find me awake at all hours of the day. To give you an idea of how much I love projects like this one, I currently have a folder with screenshots of 83 pretty lionesses that I raised and chased between July and October back on Lioden. And those are just the ones that I remembered to keep record of! I can't wait to start building my folder of chased wolves, too. >:3
I Have: As of 12/1/2020, I have territory space for up to 8 adolescents aging up at a time for the next week or so. Just PM me if you have an adol at 11 or 11.5 months that you need me to hold onto and chase for you at RO.
I Need: I'm fairly well set, but I wouldn't turn away critter carcasses and eggs to keep pups well-fed fed long enough for them to age up. :3  Any items I got from R&C folks would be noted and specifically used on pups/adols that are going to be chased.
Pups: I have a lot of pups in my sales cave that I'll be chasing if they don't sell! I'm considering taking a few of the ones with higher marking counts down from the TC to raise specifically for this project. 


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