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🏮 Shimoro's CSS Shop 🏮 | [OPEN] | NEW: Hidden Elements, Expanding Caves, Buttons Instead Of Cards

Posted 2021-05-24 14:39:03
Are you available for an order? O: want to be sure before bombarding you with a filled out template~

Posted 2021-05-24 14:43:46

@dazedaffodil heya!
Yeah, I'll be glad to take your order ♥


Posted 2021-05-25 05:39:21 (edited)

Player ID: 1436

Background: I'll send picture soon~

Colors: 424B54, E1CE7A, EBCFB2, CSBAAF, FFFFFF

Fonts: Open Sans Condensed

Transparency on main/sidebar: Yes

Additional: customized buttons & custom scrollbar please~ 

Boxes: 2 boxes. one with scrolling enabled and one with 3 tabs attached, scrolling enabled for the tabs. I'd like them to be placed at the top of the den page on the right and left hand side. 

Text: Open Sans Condensed 

Extras: Rounded edges on all the things & Pagedolls~ (Also, if I could id like for the lead and beta portraits to be round? Custom pictures to replace dynasty/overview/breeding/ nesting pictures to replace the dynasty, overview, nesting and breeding pictures~)

Pagedoll 1: Fox placed at the bottom of the den page, left side (looking to the center or the page)

Pagedoll 2: a raven placed at the bottom of the den page, right side (looking to the center of the page)

Payment Type: GC & SC 

I do believe that is everything aside from the photos! Thank you for taking my commission!! ❤ ill send all pictures later today~ 

EDITED** Would it also be possible to place special borders around the lead and beta profiles? I found some wreaths that I think would look really amazing. 


Posted 2021-05-25 05:55:15

@dazedaffodil thank you!
I added your order to the queue, will wait for images~


Posted 2021-05-25 12:17:29

Player ID: #5251



Fonts: Cinzel Decorative

Transparency on main/sidebar: yes

Additional: Rounded corners, shadows, hover transitions, expanding caves, custom dynasty/nesting/overview/breeding images, background animation: shooting stars

Pack Overview:

Boxes: this screenshot is taken from a friend of mine's den page, wanted to use it as a ref as I'm not all that good at describing what I'd like. Would also like the three boxes to be expanding, positioned like hers. 

Text: regular

Extras: Lead and beta portraits to be round if possible. 

Payment type: gc+sc


Posted 2021-05-25 12:31:03

@WolfOfProphecys heya and thank you for order ♥ I added it to queue and will start working on it as soon as finish previous commission!


Posted 2021-05-26 06:25:06

@Shimoro I did a little editing, but I have all photos needed now and am ready to send them to you!! Thank youuu again.


Posted 2021-05-26 06:32:26 (edited)
@dazedaffodil I never tried to do something like you suggested about wreaths, but I'll try! I'll inform you if it turns out to be impossible.
Okay, I'm waiting for images in dm then.


Posted 2021-05-27 16:34:33

Player ID: 11461

Background: This one would be my top pick

Colors: AB8FD6, 9758A4, 12195F, 3D0D2D, 000412, 2C5D97, 7689C1, 292063, 7F2AA0, BF6FE5

Fonts: PT Sans, Limelight

Transparency on main/sidebar: No

Additional: Shadows, borders, customized buttons, background animation (shooting stars), expanding caves, custom scrollbar, custom cursor (stock)

Boxes: 4, slightly (maybe 80%) transparent, circles

Text: All lowercase

Extras: Let me know if anything looks wonky, I can find something to replace it if needed

Payment type: GC


Posted 2021-05-27 21:34:16

Player ID: 14396
Background: This one!
Colors: Colors from the image is fine! or whatever looks good (monochrome)
Fonts: Playfair Display (pack name), EB Garamond for everything else
Transparency on main/sidebar: yes
Additional: Rounded corners, buttons, custom scrollbar, gradient (on the den titles if possible)
Boxes: the 3 tab box on top with two stand alones on the bottom! should be lighter than the bg with dark text
Text: regular
Extras: I'd like the den titles centered! Otherwise nothin much else
Payment type: GC


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