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The History of Zoologica Pack (DNP)

The History of Zoologica Pack (DNP)
Posted 2020-11-10 09:49:36 (edited)


Welcome! You have found the thread that details the history of the Zoologica Pack.
Please do not comment on this thread, as it is for personal use only. If you have any comments you wish to make, please PM me through the following link:

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As you start to wander through the archives you have found, you hear a huffing before a purple wolf walks past you, holding a book between her jaws.
Why on Earth is she carrying a book? Wolves can't write in books surely!
Just as you open your mouth to speak, the purple wolf notices you, "Ah welcome! I'm Lavender, the Historian for the Zoologica Pack! Feel free to explain the histories of the pack, everything should be in perfect order!"
Pack Banner lovingly made by Spoops x
Lavender, the pack historian by Garu

The Zoologist

Posted 2020-11-10 10:43:43 (edited)

Zoologica Ranks
Seen as the most powerful wolf within the pack, the leader must also remain calm and collected amongst any situation. A fair, yet firm, paw are required to lead the pack throughout the trying times of their Tundra homeland.
All leaders must be related to Panthera, the original leader of the Zoologica Pack.
The second most powerful wolf within the pack hierarchy, the herbalist is required to heal the sick and wounded, whilst supplying care to the wolves who are coming to the end of their long lives. Due to the power over life a herbalist has, this wolf is always seen as second in command within the Zoological Pack, and takes on the role of leader should the leader be incapacitated.
All herbalists must be the direct sibling of the leader, and so a direct descendant of Panthera.
The wolf who collects and compiles all historical evidence within the pack, the historian has walked the Earth since the time of Panthera. With her increasing knowledge of the pack and the lands surrounding them, the historian can also pass on her wisdom to youngsters, in hopes that mistakes of the past aren't repeated in the future.
The historian must be an immortal wolf, and so will never been changed.
Breeding Male
Usually chosen from outside the pack, so as to avoid breeding within the family lines. The breeding male must follow the colouration rules of the pack, but can breed from the age of 1year if females within the pack are in heat. Furthermore, a breeding male must always be apart of a hunting party.
Writing here
Writing here
Writing here

The Zoologist

Posted 2020-11-10 10:43:58 (edited)

Zoologica Caves
1. The Inner Circle
Leader, Herbalist, Historian, and Heirs
Occasionally home to elders in their final days who might have knowledge to share 
2. The Outer Circle
The Pupsitters
3. The Ranges
Hunting Parties & Scout Team
4. Quarantine
Sick wolves who are awaiting treatment
5. The Abandoned
Wolves for sale/about to be chased

The Zoologist

Posted 2020-11-10 10:44:35 (edited)

Zoologica Rules
1.  Wolves must be of either Pink or Purple colouration - certain exceptions may be made
--Acceptable colouration; Lavender, lilac, maltese, russet
--Acceptable exception; Leader, herbalist, gifts, and Lady's Bloodline

2.  Males and Females are all welcome within the pack - but leaders can only be FEMALE
3.  Females may only be bare pups after the age of 3 years - this allows them time to hone their skills within the pack and thus become mature enough to raise pups
4. Breeding pairs may only breed within themselves
--Breeding males cannot become apart of a breeding pair
--The leader cannot become apart of a breeding pair


The Zoologist

Posted 2020-11-10 10:46:03 (edited)

Legacy of Leaders

The Original Queen
28/09/2020 - Present Day

(The Deceivingly Difficult Lady)
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Daughter of Panthera
Born 11/01/2021
Ruled from 00/00/2021 - 00/00/2021
text text text texttext text text text

The Zoologist

Posted 2020-11-12 01:15:33 (edited)

Dynasty of Important Wolves


28/09/2020 - 04/12/2020
First befriended wolf into the pack
The Original Stalker, with a 62% success rate in her career
Snow Lady-of-the-Night

Lady of the Night
A gift from a dear friend
30/10/2020 - 27/01/2021
A skilled huntress and close friend of Panthera's.  Her name, and bloodline, lives on through her final daughter, Lady of the Night II
text text text texttext text text text

The Zoologist

Posted 2020-11-19 01:40:01 (edited)

The First Era
Leader: Panthera

Under Panthera, the pack grew from strength to strength. From their humble beginnings in the mountains, the pack grew wise and strong before moving home to the Tundra lands of the north. Although prey became scarce and hunger threated the pack in the early months of the move, the hunters refused to stop searching for food and Panthera explored the land is a desperate search to aid her packmates. It wasn't long before the hunters became successful in their mission, and the pack's food storage was overflowing during summer months, with rations saved for the harshness of winter. 

Furthermore, the pack went through many changes in their rules, as the original hunters past on and new blood was brought in. As decreed by Panthera, new arrivals must be either pink or purple in colour, though their markings may show any colour. Old pack members are exempted from the new ruling, for no wolf could change their colour.

At the age of 5years and 4.5months, Panthera bore her final litter and from these pups, the new leader and herbalist were chosen. The pack will continue for another era.

The Zoologist

Posted 2020-12-22 02:17:59

The Second Era
Leader: Neofelis

The Zoologist

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