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Price/Interest Check: NBW with Red Dilution

Price/Interest Check: NBW with Red Dilution
Posted 2020-11-07 16:20:36

Hey all,

Picked up this NBW just now:

I've got room in my den to keep him for a few days, so just curious if anyone might be interested/what people might pay - and whether they might pay more if I sprung for a sex changer?

(sex changers are 3gc so anyone wanting this wolf as a female would have to pay at least that / 210sc - is that kind of price likely for an NBW?)

(similarly, I suppose I could do a couple of gc worth of customisation if people thought that might up his value for someone as a stud, but I'd want it to earn back at least what I spent on markings or base changers)

Thoughts appreciated!


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