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Talk to me about your current obsession!

Posted 2020-12-01 14:39:21

I go through phases with games, and this site is probably a phase too. But for now, I'm obsessed lol.

I'm always pretty obsessed with video games, but I go through ups and downs. Currently, I'm obsessed with Minecraft Pocket Edition (it's really convenient and my life is really busy right now, so it's nice). I just got out of a humongous Super Mario Odyssey obsession that resulted in me 100% completing the game.

I also go through phases with certain YouTubers, but it's not obsession. Just surges and slips in interest. I've been watching a lot of Game Grumps, Rubber Ross, Markiplier, and CrankGameplays lately. And I'm still mourning the loss of Unus Annus, lol.

I'm also on a weird Discord obsession too? I got way too into making a server for my friend & I to write together. Took it way too far- got bots, music, roles, reaction roles, levels, modlogs, automatic moderation, etc and I STILL want more. It's a lot of fun, weirdly.

I'm also currently obsessed with studying mythology. Specifically, reading pre-Christian Norse and Celtic lore. I've got a lot of books on my reading list at the moment (Prose Edda, Poetic Edda, Beowulf [including the modern Headley translation], The Wanderer's Havamal, The Saga of the Volsungs, some Celtic lore books I have my eyes on, etc...).

I have this problem where I'm obsessed with so many things all at once that I can't decide what I actually want to spend my time doing, and sometimes I just end up on my phone or staring at a wall because I can't pick just one to focus on for a single afternoon.... Or I end up double- or triple- tasking.


Posted 2020-12-05 16:34:10

I have diagnosed ADHD, so I definitely tend to fixate on things. Lol

My current obsessions include: 

  1. Wolvden (of course!)
  2. Lioden
  3. The Sims

I visit the first two so often that my homepage now has shortcuts to each site. I’ll probably phase in and out as I readjust to my new home and job, but I tend to come back eventually, like I did with Lioden after almost a year.

Lexy (she/they)

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