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☾ Mutt Breeders (Mutation Breeders) ☠

Posted 2022-12-02 00:36:24 (edited)
The melanistic gal just had a 37% fertility melanistic female puppy that I'm going to put for sale. That's only average but she could produce pups with lower fertility if bred to the right male. Maybe get lucky to get a melanistic lethal

Edit: I also have a 1% albino carrier female that I may sell since I got a 9% albino pup out of her


Posted 2023-01-18 16:00:33
I don't have any studs but hi! I currently have 3 muties :3 my fave is polymelia and i hope to get a wolf with it someday (preferably bred in my own pack)!
CanidaeCouncil they/them

Posted 2023-02-05 23:11:44
Username & ID : Wildheart2896

Favorite Mutation (so far) : POLYCEPHALY

Do you have any breeding goals :

To breed one of every mutie in my pack.

Anything you'd like other members to know? My stud is an Uneven Pie Brachy carrier and has produced 12 so far but all together has produced:

PIES: 22

Posted 2023-02-15 10:31:04
Username & ID: eviebean #24272

Favorite Mutation (so far): Primary are conjoined twins and polymelia, secondary is melanistic

Do you have any breeding goals: to breed melanistics that are pretty under the mutation, and eventually get lethal mutations

Anything you'd like other members to know? I have two low fertility females, but no VLF (if anyone is selling I'm open to buy)

Posted 2023-05-11 16:29:43
Username & ID :  ChikiNuggi #97250

Favorite Mutation (so far) : Conjoined Twins! | Piebalds, Blind or Deaf

Do you have any breeding goals : Honestly, to breed myself some Conjoined twins.  I've always had a dream to own one, but never had the chance to afford one.

Anything you'd like other members to know? Honestly can't think of anything currently

Posted 2023-05-17 11:42:35
I wanna join!

Username & ID : Luna (#110617

Favorite Mutation (so far) : POLYCEPHALY ALL THE WAYYY

Do you have any breeding goals : I really want a piebald stud, and I want to be a breeder of Polycephaly, Polymelia, Melanism, and Albanism (Mostly Polycephaly/Polymelias tho, I even have an empty Immortal Slot and everything, and I've offered EVERYTHING I could (Custom/Regular Decor, GC/SC, and hoard junk, but I've never even had someone consider taking my offer for them

Posted 2023-08-15 21:05:38
Username & ID: Daewnie #69937

Favorite Mutation: Polymelias, so many beans to smush!!

Breeding Goals: My plan is to breed muties and gift them to players on Christmas like a lethal mutation Santa Claus xD. I collect pretty much solely Infertile and ELF wolves and can be found selling them incredibly cheap in my den (like under 100sc cheap for low gen T2 low ferts). link

My Stud? He's currently just a G1 T1 but I'm going to put the abomination base on him and he'll be a T* that is all ferts friendly! I'm also looking for pairbonds (I raise and chase the pups of my ELF pairings and log it so people can find them!). If you have any ELF or IF T3 or T* females I will more likely than not be eager to buy them off of you.

I stream the game on Twitch as well so I'm on pretty often ESPECIALLY during events!

I probably will not check back on this thread often until I have something important to say or show but feel free to DM me!

Posted 2023-10-27 17:48:05
Username & ID : Lexi | 128514

Favorite Mutation (so far) : Sirenomelia! (or conjoined twins)

Do you have any breeding goals : Get a pair of conjoined twins which I can immortalise.

Anything you'd like other members to know? I'm Lexi! She/her pronouns.

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