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Posted 2021-06-14 10:34:31

Are you open to drawing feline characters? Like warriorcat-based characters?


Posted 2021-06-14 10:46:26 (edited)


Yep! My forte isn't felines but I have some examples here, here, and here of the last few felines I've drawn (first is most recent)!


Posted 2021-06-14 10:49:12

Commission Type: Lined fullbodies!
Payment Method: SC
Character Reference: Specklestone (mostly stoic, but perhaps with a patient expression), Jaypaw (excited or curious!)
Other Notes: If I could get the two of them exploring together in some canyons (for additional complex background charge of course!), sort of along these lines? link, link

Totally fine if that's too much! I'd be perfectly happy to order something else instead if you'd rather not do this one!


Posted 2021-06-14 10:52:21 (edited)

Could I get a headshot and full body of this character: 



They're a burmocha shorthair with aqua-blue eyes and minimal white on her paws, stomach and tail-tip. I know you said that cats weren't your forte but I know you'll do them justice! If you need poses, references, whatnot just feel free to DM me. I can probably dig up some more for you. 

Commission Type: Fullbody sketch, Lined headshot.

Payment Method: GC/SC. Whichever you prefer.

Character Reference: Linked above.

Other Notes: n/a


Posted 2021-06-14 10:55:11


oo I haven't done canyons in a hot minute but sure! I think I could try it!


Posted 2021-06-14 10:56:44


Sure! I don't mind either gc or sc so whichever works for me


Posted 2021-06-14 11:36:31

Commission Type: Lined fullbody(no bg)

Payment Method: GC!!

Character Reference: Nickel!

Other Notes: Maybe you could have him sitting and grinning winningly? You're free to do whatever honestly, I just wanna see him in your style!


Posted 2021-06-14 11:39:50


Sure thing! I'll try 'em out


Posted 2021-06-14 12:23:41 (edited)

Could I steal a slot for GC if you have any left? I'll hop on my laptop and fill out a form pronto! 


Posted 2021-06-14 12:27:31


Sure! I'll mark the last one for you


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