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Self-Care During The Election

Self-Care During The Election
Posted 2020-11-03 09:17:40 (edited)

Greetings, Wolvden!

If you are in the USA, regardless of political affiliation, today is a big day that has been weighing on many minds for a long time. The only way your voice can truly be heard is by voting. If you're going to vote in person, please stay safe, wear a mask and keep your six foot distance apart from other people. 

If you've dropped your ballot off like me or sent it in by mail, you can go to your state's Secretary Of State website and check there (unless you live in Mississippi, Missouri, or Wyoming, in which case you may have to call). 

If you are unable to vote, or have voted and are sick with worry, take care of yourself! Even during an election you need to take your meds. Turn off your tech, don't go on social media. Take a bubble bath. Watch a comforting show or movie on Netflix. Most of all, stay safe. We will get through this. 

Peryton 🦌🦅

Posted 2020-11-04 11:54:12

I did that last night! I've been avoiding Facebook and Twitter, sticking to here just to keep myself distracted with pretty wolves.

For anyone else, clean your place, vacuum and wipe stuff down. Artwork, websites, gaming, whatever... What happens happens... It's out of our hands now.

Cheℓs ❄️

Posted 2020-11-04 13:55:59
Wolvden has been a welcome distraction. Unfortunately, whenever I run out of energy, I open an electoral map in another tab and refresh to see if anything has changed... I have a paper to work on this evening so at least that gives me another thing to focus on.

🌹 Raziel

Posted 2020-11-04 14:37:40

I've been playing Pokemon Go too... haha

Cheℓs ❄️

Posted 2020-11-04 14:39:14

Turns out playing Pokemon Sun and trying to breed for shinies/ catch em all! challenges help with election jitters!


Posted 2020-11-05 09:22:22

my self-care for the past few days has been watching Catfish: The TV Show on Hulu and doing exercise during all of the ads. keeps me focused and off of social media, if my wandering ADD brain can keep from pausing it to check facebook :>


Posted 2020-11-05 12:41:12

I didn't expect the remaining states to take so long to count their absentee and mail-in ballots. I've moved from a state of low level anxiety to restlessness. I have no idea what to do with myself today, haha.

🌹 Raziel

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