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Nabbit's RnC records

Nabbit's RnC records
Posted 2024-01-13 09:10:02
My first ever:


Posted 2024-01-29 19:18:11

the taste of recklessness on my tongue

the celebration of impermanence


Posted 2024-01-31 10:40:20


It is dark, it is cold, I'm driving a hundred miles away from home. If it is, home.

Anywhere can be a home. And if anywhere can be a home, do I really have a home?


Posted 2024-02-17 09:13:59 (edited)

Despite these frosted fields, my petals will dance

Found by Shakshun <3

Posted 2024-02-18 06:43:31

I have always lived among the trees. The warm touch of another wolf's fur is foreign to me, but I do not need it. I found a mother in the overhanging branches of these woods. I've become acute to her tender whispers, the way the wind hums between her branches. This is what guides me towards food, medicinal herbs, artifacts forgotten. As for shelter, I sleep in the tender embrace of her bramble.


Posted 2024-02-18 06:58:22

Other wolves have forgotten the old ways of these glaciers, but the knowledge has been kept in my pack for generations. Sure, a wolf can successfully hunt among these icy towers, but do they know how to fight? Do they know how to utilize the long nights of winter? Do they love the cold like we do? They don't. And that's why none of those southern wolves dare to claim our frosted lands. We'll strike before they know what hit them.


Posted 2024-02-18 07:14:39 (edited)

Ah, well, welcome. Welcome to the shitshow. Yeah, I'm not doing a real good job helping you feel uh... excited about this. Hey, I just live honestly. And I'm not going to lie to you about the nature of this place.

The customers suck ass. Had this one wolf prance in, some sort of minor internet celebrity on instagram. Girl would not settle for anything less than the most glistening cuts of meat among our selection. Whatever the fuck a glistening meat is. She held up the line for ten minutes while I presented to her various cuts. Was really questioning the purpose of my existence. Maybe I should've just snarled in her face and told her to get a grip, but she wasn't yelling at me, so.

So, you get to deal with crazies like that. But we got each other's hides around here. If you need me to take one of them, you holler, okay?


Posted 2024-02-18 07:26:10

Listen, he's not counting inventory right. We trade with this pack. They say they have all the dandelion in the world, but how do we really know if we don't go see it for ourselves? ... Oh, you say you'll "handle" it? I know you're just ignoring me.

I don't trust them. But you know what? I don't run shit around here. If we get fucked, it's on you.


Posted 2024-02-22 12:04:40 (edited)

I hope some day you can forgive me. I'm sorry, I'm an intense person. I push life's limits because I know we're going to die one day. And much of my life has been robbed already. So, I don't hold back, and I don't waste time.


Posted 2024-03-03 07:16:49

Stop working so hard; embrace the sinking sun.


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