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Where are my Wolvden gays?? (+ Discord server!)

Posted 2020-09-26 15:07:04

Hello! I'm Rose! I'm a 20 year old Bisexual from Texas. Yeehaw. I'm currently studying Biology with a double minor in art and chemistry, and am actively procrastinating on a microbiology exam.

I am technically an artist, but I haven't drawn in a while. I play some video games, but my internet sucks so not too much. My main "hobby" is Vulture Culture, and I've been an active member of the community for 3 or 4 years now. I have a modest collection and process some of my own deads myself! It's one of my favorite topics to talk about.

I popped in the discord today, ready for a good time.


Posted 2020-09-26 15:10:37 (edited)

Ayooooooo nb gay here!!! Great seeing so many members of the community on Wolvden! ^^

Mini 3-fact intro for me:

I'm a handpoke tattoo artist in Utah!

I own 30 animals and love them all dearly

I am a horror film fanatic and collect DVDs: I'm almost to 1100!


Posted 2020-09-26 15:29:38
I'm Bird. 26, married, bisexual, stay at home spouse. They/them please~


Posted 2020-09-26 15:58:40

Hello I'm Ira, NB aro/ace, usually go by they/them or she/her! I'm a animal game fanatic and artist with a love for arpgs. Not much else to say really ^^


Posted 2020-09-26 21:40:48 (edited)

hi, hello, howdy! 

Im carver/jojo, im 21 y/o and a bi trans man, i use both he/him and they/them pronouns! I love cooking, art, punk rock music, video games (dragon age, mass effect, undertale, deltarune, dontnod games and etc!), and shows like she-ra, jjba, atla and im a fan of horror! I do art sometimes but im taking a break from selling being im that good ol Depressed Artist. 

I started T on july 6th this year and that makes me feel so Good.

Tried to join the discord but it wasnt working :0


Posted 2020-09-26 22:20:27

Hiya! I'm Grimm - she/her, they/them. I'm 30 (and sobbing about it), bisexual/homoromantic femme-NB. I'm married and in another fabulous relationship living as a poly person. I've got a large number of pets, and mostly video game and horror movie/genre-related hobbies, though I'm also a HUGE music buff. I work a full-time, M-F, 9-5 job that I'm not super passionate about. I'm also finishing up the credits I need towards my BSc and looking at what'll come after that.


Posted 2020-09-26 22:33:05

Hello all! I'm Charlotte (Char), and I'm a bi and genderfluid writer and designer. (I'm still figuring my pronouns out, she/her is fine atm.) I like ancient cultures, paganism, docuseries, goth music, and many many books (mainly sf&f, mystery, and literary nonfiction).

I joined Lioden during the pandemic and the lions have really been getting me through it, so I'm looking forward to having fun on Wolvden as well.

I'm loving all the podcast recs in this thread. :^D


Posted 2020-09-27 08:06:48

Hello I’m Aden! (Froggy or Void) I’m pansexual genderfluid POC! Pronouns are she/her he/him or they/them! I love art, spoken-word poetry, philosophizing, and all things macabre (things like taxidermy, horror/gore, haruspex, and ancient sacrificial practices.)

I’m in school rn studying art to hopefully become a concept/story board/freelance artist. 

I don’t really enjoy putting labels on my gender and sexual identity but I find it makes it easier for other people to understand if I have a definite term. 

I hope y’all are enjoying EA as much as I am!


Posted 2020-09-27 22:05:53

I am Duster and I am a female aromantic asexual. Majored in Japan Studies, now back in school to get my BA in veterinary technology so I can become a registered veterinary technician. Currently working at a pet food store to make ends meet and feed my dog and cat.

I'm a hobbyist artist, weaver once I get my loom, player and judge of Yu-Gi-Oh, and love Pokemon a lot. Vaporeon is the best Pokemon.

Got into the ace community maybe 15 years ago, not active at all now, mostly keep to myself in terms of LGBTQ communities. Still nice to see some aroace people around.


Posted 2020-09-28 00:37:20

Heya! I'm Coyote, mlm(questioning) he/him! I love fish, reptiles, bugs - anything in a tank! I also like to draw :)

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