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2-Blackshore-2 and WolfClaw dragon rp ONLY (CLOSED)

2-Blackshore-2 and WolfClaw dragon rp ONLY (CLOSED)
Posted 2020-11-02 11:50:34 (edited)

Welcome dragons


π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2020-11-02 16:59:17

It was late in the middle of the night, and Jemulsria was staring at the lovely moon of the summer solstice, its cold, yet affectionate light lighting her pudgy face like a lantern lighting a room. Her ears then twitched subtly, having heard a noise, which then turned into a few noises, and she got curious, coming out of her trance. What could be moving at this time of night, she wondered. She then waddled out to the mouth of her cave to investigate, and she saw the most bony thing she had ever seen. It intrigued her, and she swatted at it with her colossal fat paws, hoping to get its attention, but it fell to the ground in a swift manner. She took a closer look at what she had swatted at, and saw that it was a deathly emaciated drake, and she gasped a little, realizing her mistake. She thought she'd killed him, but the poor soul seemed to barely be clinging onto life. She thought about things for a moment, and she smirked, realizing something.Β 

"It's been a bit since I've tried to turn anyone into a Demon Dragon like me... and this male seems a little more naive than most I've tried to corrupt... I think I can pull off a corruption and make him into a gluttonous Demon Dragon like me... then I'll finally have the gluttonous demonic mate of my dreams." Jemulsria said, before sheΒ put him in a spare bed in her cavern, one that she hoped was comfortable enough for him(needed to make the life of a demon more appealing, after all), and went about her business, making recipes and treats that would fix his situation. She hadn't got too much sleep but her main priority was this drake. After finishing cooking, she went for a quick nap.

She woke up to find herself drooling a little, and quickly wiped it away, jiggling her massive rolls with the movement. She waddled her way back where she had left him and found him awake. She felt relief wash over her like a tidal wave. After all, she needed him alive in order to transform him. She then softly spoke, her voice as sirenic as it normally was.Β Β 
"Who are you?" She asked, needing to at least know his name, so that she could stop referring to him as 'the drake', or other masculine pronouns. She would immediately give him food, after she had caught her breath again. All of her cooking and running around had left her a little exhausted and tired.....


Posted 2020-11-02 17:02:35

The male looked up at the female and spoke weakly

"My name... is... Frost" "Why am I here?. I wanna go back to my home"

He tried to get up and leave but the female stood in front of him forbading him to leave the cave. Especially in the state that he was in.Β 

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2020-11-02 17:10:47

"Oh no, buster. You're not going anywhere, especially in your sickly condition. You're currently in my den, Frost. I will admit that I had an inadvertent hand in placing you in that bed. I had been trying to get your attention last night, but I accidentally knocked you out instead. But when you're as beautiful and big as me, you can't help but be a knockout." Jemulsria admitted before giving him a seductive wink, teasing him with the last statement of calling herself a knockout.Β 


Posted 2020-11-02 17:13:43

" What the... " he began

He could stand the sight of this dragon... he looked away and curled up with smoke going around him. He didn't want anything to do with this dragon. He decided to avoid her as much as possible till the day he would die. He had a feeling what she was trying to do, but he wouldn't let her do anything to him unless he allowed it. Especially trying her to get him to fall in love with her.Β 

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2020-11-02 17:30:27 (edited)

Jemulsria sighed.

"Mister, you don't have to be like that. I'm just trying to make up for what happened. You must be hungry. I've made some devilishly delightful beignets and some sumptuous sausages for you to try. Sit tight, Frost. I'll be right back." She said, waddling off in a seductive saunter that gave Frost a good view of her massive behind. As she waddled off to the kitchen, she couldn't help but imagine Frost becoming an even bigger demon of gluttony than herself, and a very handsome one, too. Because of her affinity with the vices of Gluttony and Lust, she adored the sight of a heavily pudgy male... once she got to the kitchen, she decided to make her move to begin his transformation, and cast a spell on the goodies she planned to bring to Frost to begin building a demonic, gluttonous appetite within him that was even greater than her own.


Posted 2020-11-02 17:33:30

Frost was really confused at what was going on, but he didnt argue..

He ate slowly what he female brought her and then began to look starry eyed a few minutes later. His attitude had totally changed and he couldn't help it.Β 

"What the.. what's going on here with me... this is not like me at all.."Β  he said

He waited for the female to arrive before he tried something on her. he just hoped it worked

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2020-11-02 17:39:18

'That's it, Frost... keep eating... I want to see those handsome demon scales put themselves on full display as you grow fatter and fatter...' Jemulsria thought, grinning as she watched Frost eat, his scrawny frame slowly beginning to fatten up...


Posted 2020-11-02 17:42:02

Frost tried to stop eating because he felt sick 1 hour after he began eating. But he just couldn't

Frost then said in agony, "What is happening to me!" He roared in pain

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2020-11-02 17:49:36

Seeing Frost was beginning to look sick due to how much he was eating, so she cast another spell that would help him not feel or be sick anymore. She then massaged him, parting some of her demonic essence into Frost to begin his transformation into a demon dragon...


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