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Enjolras does gifting 2023

Enjolras does gifting 2023
Posted 2023-12-01 05:34:11 (edited)
December hit, and what better way to do it than to give gifts? Do you want one? Well, you're in luck! All you have to do is the following: Have a wishlist! Anything you want, really, but I won't give wolves (I prefer to bury in dens, and I don't think they want to be gift wrapped ) You can either include a wishlist here, or use the function on your den page.
Say something here (obviously) A quote, wish happy holidays etc.
Feel free to gift others on the thread, because while I gift everyone, the more the merrier, right? No, gifting others isn't mandatory, it's entirely optional


Posted 2023-12-01 05:56:14
Here's my wishlist:
SC and GC
MoDs (especially the newer ones) and Applicators (especially rarer bases and pretty eyes)
Rarer Recipes (especially bases and eyes, and relaxed pose, but also uncommon decor and bgs)
Pretty/Elegant Decor (especially feathers and dusty things, as well as Expressions and Glows/Lightings), any Decor that's not Bloody

I'll be gifting you something as well


Posted 2023-12-01 06:01:35
Here's my wishlist for ease☃️
Happy gifting everyone!

Posted 2023-12-01 06:01:51
Thats so sweet! I have my wishlist set up on my account page (im not sure exactly where it is haha) but ill always take currency as well (either or both lol). Im sending gifts to the others in this thread as well.


Posted 2023-12-01 06:03:41
Gifting you all!


Posted 2023-12-01 06:06:34
Here's my list!
SC and some GC!
Some base Applicators!
Pretty decor (maybe some bloody decor since I need some for a wolf!)
That's all! Happy gifting!
._.Unknown._r (They/them)

Posted 2023-12-01 06:07:37 (edited)
Hi everyone! Merry Christmas to all! I hope I'm not too late-
Here's my wishlist

Posted 2023-12-01 06:11:41
I have a wishlist being made on my account!! This is an amazing idea

Posted 2023-12-01 06:14:13
This is going to go on all of December. Please note: I might not always give wishlist stuff (because I don't always have it, but it's gonna be some stuff I have and I hope you'll like it!)


Posted 2023-12-01 07:03:12
I would be happy with blue jay feathers!
Merry Christmas (if that's your thing!)
Thanks alot!

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