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Books/Media Suggestions (for all)

Books/Media Suggestions (for all)
Posted 2020-11-01 18:21:02

Books/Media for Change
+ Free HTML Box code (in the comments)

Basic concept: books or media that meant more.
Maybe this is going to flop and is a dumb idea, but I couldn't get it out of my head today. I wanted to create a thread where people could share books or media that had impacted them. Last year I read a book that reminded me how essential and yet missing storytelling had become in our lives. At the time I was going through a tough spot, and the book provided me a lot of peace. So I thought, how nice it would be to share that experience with other people; maybe help to bring that same thing to them.
So the idea is simple: what's a book, song, movie or tv show that has impacted you?
Impacted you is so broad, and could range between changed your life, helped you through a tough time, helped give you a different perspective, made you laugh, anything! Just something you wanted to share and thought someone else might like too.
if you want, share a little about the book, or about why you liked it so much. (that last part is totally optional because sometimes reasons are profoundly personal and I don't want to ever push anyone to share if they don't want to!)
Rules? please remain respectful to one another (as always). This is a safe space that I wanted to make so that people could share and communicate their likes, interests, and inspirations.
Questions? PM me or ask here!


Posted 2020-11-01 18:35:25

As promised here is a code to make your post all pretty if you shall please!

To use:

  1. copy the text below
  2. paste in the code view reply tab (when you go to reply it is the button on the tool bar that looks like this : < / >. click it and the text box should turn a dark grey. Paste the code in there)
  3. check before you reply if it has worked. if you click the code view button a second time after pasting, it should show a preview of what you've got thus far. (preview should pop up in the text box.) *Note* any alterations you need to do, must be done in the code view button. This includes adding any text. 
  4. to alter text, replace the sections of code which state "texttexttexttext" in the code below, plugging in whatever you want to say. 
  5. Additional optional changes will be listed on a forum tutorial on forum coding coming soon. (im working on getting it together and will post a link when I am finished). In the meantime, if you have any questions or need help, let me know <3. I am happy to help out!

<table style="height:auto;width:100%;border:1px solid #000;"><tbody><tr><td style="background-image:url('');background-size:100% 100%;"><p style="text-align:center;color:#000000;font-family:Times New Roman;"><span style="background:rgba(245,255,250,0.7);border:1px solid #000;float:left;height:auto;width:90%;margin:10px 30px 10px;padding:15px;"><span style="font-size: 22px;"></span><b style="color:#000;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:22px;"><span style="font-family:Times New Roman;">textexttexttext</span></b><span style="font-size:22px;"><font></font></span></span><br><span style="color:#000; font-family:Times New Roman; Background:rgba(245,255,250,0.7);border:1px solid #000; float:left; width:90%;height:auto;padding:22px;margin:5px 1px 10px 30px;font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:14px;">texttexttexttext<br><br></span>texttexttext<br>texttexttexttext<br><font size="3"></font></span><span style="font-family:Times New Roman;background:rgba(245,255,250,0.7);border:1px solid #000;float:left;width:90%;height:auto;padding:22px;margin:5px 1px 10px 30px;font-size:12px;">texttexttexttext</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>


Posted 2020-11-02 18:04:46

Oh, this is a really sweet idea. I call these 'soul stories' because it's usually really hard for me to express why they meant so much to me. They just did. I don't expect anyone else to get quite so emotional about them as I did, but I've got two: The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron (five book series), and Shelter, which I've included the imdb link for because it tends to be hard to find otherwise. 

I couldn't put into words why The Legend of Eli Monpress impacted me as much as it did, something about the main character and the shit he's trying to deal with by himself just really resonated with me. And Shelter was the first LGBT+ movie I ever saw and the main character reminds me a lot of myself, his sister is a lot like my mom, and I can't actually watch this movie without at least 12 hours preparation before hand because it just hits so close to home. 


Posted 2020-11-05 05:56:42

*tries out pretty forum coding for the first time*
This is a lovely idea for a thread! The Warrior Cats book series by Erin Hunter I guess would definitely be one piece of media that impacted me so much as a kid, to say I was obsessed would not be an exaggeration. It sounds daft but although I loved drawing beforehand I'm not totally sure if I would have gotten quite as far with doing art if I hadn't read those books, it was reading them and the manga adaptations that really made me kind of fully realise that I really wanted to tell stories with pictures.

More recently, I have been listening to the singer MIKA near-every day for maybe the last two or three months now, I've been a tad more stressed than normal this year as I think probably a lot of people have been, but I think having some new, really good music to discover and listen to has actually been a big help to me lately. I like the fact that his music is just unapologetically quirky, flamboyant and different, he has a great voice and almost theatrical singing style and utterly owns it instead of trying to sound like anyone else, and that just feels really kind of comforting to me somehow. His songs sound like they actually have a bit of soul to them too, as well as being just great fun to blast loud.
(Also, I love the idea of a coding tutorial! This was my first time trying a pretty background and hopefully it seems to have worked!)


Posted 2021-02-23 14:43:59

I really liked Seraphina-Rachel Hartman. It's about dragons, the protagonist is a dragon-human hybrid. The way she describes things is enchanting to read especially about how playing music feels which I've not seen in any other novels to this day. It was really cool to read something someone else had written that spoke to me as a musician. There's something there for everyone and those bits are wrapped up nicely in a grand tale I'm quite enjoyed.

I was looking for a thread to share music on but this is a good one as well hahaha

good day :)

✦ Tiny Star

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