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Vadon Village [Pack Lore] DNR

Vadon Village [Pack Lore] DNR
Posted 2023-11-22 18:30:58 (edited)

Tragedy is never far.

code by #202

Vadon Village - wip

The Lore behind a pack full of plights.

Vadon Village originally began as Elysium. A fledgling pack put together by their first Alpha, Noctis and Noctis' mate, Polaris. The pair struck out on their own of leaving their home pack and found a home within a forest in the mountains. It was tough work for the young alpha. However, peace wasn't easily given to this young and fragile pack, and it seems it never will.


Vadon Village has few pack rules as past Pack Alpha's were often laid-back and trusting of their packmates. However, that has put the pack into near ruins in the past. Now, there are rules, some old and some new, to hopefully keep the pack from falling into total anarchy.

  • The pack alpha must choose an heir as their time comes
  • If no heir is chosen, the pack beta may take over as alpha
  • The pack can also elect a new pack alpha if the beta can not take leadership
  • Scouts are responsible to be wary yet kind to any travellers
  • Adolescents must work in a role to prepare for adulthood
  • Pups must be trained to defend themselves

Vadon Village has survived unspeakable odds against many foes. One would assume this plighted pack cursed but those who have prevailed refuse to believe such and continue to survive alongside those they care for most.


Posted 2024-01-15 14:46:00

The Founding.

How Noctis start it all.

It all start with Noctis, a young wolf who had grown discontent with his home pack and wanted to start a pack of his own despite the fact that he was set to take over as Pack Alpha of his home back but he'd never been popular with his home pack due to his harsh personality. One day, along side his mate, Polaris, he decided to leave and leave he did. The pair left in the middle of the night and never looked back. They traveled for many moons until they found a home within the lush forests at the base of a large mountain range. Noctis and Polaris were ecstatic at the find. Once he named his pack Elysium, a name jokingly suggested by Polaris, Noctis was quick to name Polaris, his level-headed and cautious mate, his beta and immediately the two began looking for recruit pack members. It took time but eventually their pack grew and began to prosper.

However peace for this young pack wasn't forever and soon pack members began to report strange whispers and the feeling of being followed or eyes watching them wherever they went. Noctis, a young pack alpha wanting to prove himself, was quick to investigate despite the warnings of caution from his mate. After many days of searching, Noctis found the source of what was causing the strange happenings. Within a cave in the mountainside, an entity lived and it was not pleased to find it's territory being taken over by a wolf pack. Noctis had fled at the sight of the monstrous being; large, pitch-black and sulking in it's cave. From there, Noctis' pack began to suffer strange illnesses and some wolves even disappearing in the dark of night.

Noctis was furious and convinced Polaris and his strongest pack members that the entity must be destroyed. From there it was decided that they needed to lure the beast out to catch it off guard. It took time but eventutally Noctis and his pack mates were successful; the entity had been killed. Yet, in the midst of their celebrating, Noctis' hasty plan hadn't predicted for a second and stronger beast to be lurking in the shadow and now it was enraged at the sight of it's companion being killed. Noctis knew what he had to do and prepared to sacrifice himself for his pack even though Polaris pleaded for them to flee. However, before Noctis could make his move another wolf did just that. A young hunter within the pack named, Oisin, who also happened to be a close friend to the Pack Alpha and Beta. Oisin threw himself between the beast and Noctis, ending his life.

Noctis, Polaris and Oisin's fellow packmates had been devastated by the sight which had befuddled the beast, who had only seen the pack of wolves has cruel and unforgiving. Suddenly Noctis pleaded for forgiveness from the entity; promising to leave and never return as long as it returning Oisin to them. This is when a deal was struck. The entity, known now as Dreyfyre, could never back away from a deal being struck. Dreyfryre would allow the pack to stay and Oisin was be returned but Noctis' pack had to treat the land fairly as the entity could see the pack's heart from the way Noctis grieved. Noctis agreed and the truce was sealed. Oisin had been returned however the wolf was almost other worldly and as they would soon find out, no longer aged. It seemed the entity wasn't as benevolent as they'd thought.

The pack lived stayed in their territory although were always aware they weren't alone. Noctis continued to lead with Polaris by his side and yet fate wasn't done with them. A bout of influenza swept through the pack, merciless and quick. The pack's herbalist had been caught of guard and tragedy struck again. The influenza spread had taken the lives of Noctis and Polaris.

This begins the pack's long journey of plights.

Follow along in their triumphs and tragedies as we take a look at the pack from the past to the present.


Posted 2024-01-15 16:19:48 (edited)

Past & Present Leadership

The Pack Alpha's and Beta's of Vadon Village.

PACK ALPHA: Noctis [deceased]  |  PACK BETA: Polaris [deceased]

The founding leaders of what was originally known as Elysium.
Both passed away after an influenza plague swept the pack.

PACK ALPHA: Kadri [deceased]  |  PACK BETA: Rian [deceased]

Kadri, an aloof yet dedicated wolf, had been Noctis' chosen heir as Noctis never had pups. Kadri had likened to the role like a moth to flame and flourished in it. Kadri chosen beta had been Rian, a rather obnoxious wolf though fiercely loyal to his pack. Their rein had been long and prosperous with the entity disappearing soon after Noctis' and Polaris' deaths. No one is quite sure why it disappeared. Perhaps it knew the plights the pack would suffer without it's interference. Kadri and Rian both passed from old age. And yet, none of Kadri's pups had lived passed pup-hood and unfortunately hadn't name an heir before his death. That's when the pack was led into a new turmoil.

PACK ALPHA: Zavo [fled the pack]  |  PACK BETA: Cian [fled the pack]

Without leadership, the pack fell into shambles and infighting was quick to start as a no one knew what to do. It wasn't until Zavo, a young and soft-hearted wolf, stepped up to behave as Pack Alpha. The pack, tired and dredged by grief, had been quick to follow Zavo's tentative leadership. Zavo had named his friend, Cian, a brash and head-strong wolf as his beta. This would turn out to be a recipe for disaster. Zavo, while kind and compassionate, was not ready for the harshness of leadership and floundered greatly. Cian wasn't much better as the young wolf was too brash for his own good. The pack suffered as they didn't have harmony and the tension in the forest grew. The entity, which had been presumed gone, had returned as it sense the turmoil of the pack. Zavo was quick to realize how unfit for leadership he was and had fled the pack during the night. The next day the pack had collectively agreed to exile Cian although they had come to find that the young wolf had fled during their discussion. Then did the pack began to question themselves. Was it better for the pack to dissolve or could a pack alpha be found.

PACK ALPHA: Tempest [deceased]  |  PACK BETA: Akira [deceased]

The answer had come in the form of a young yet dedicated wolf named, Tempest. The light-colored wolf was rather popular within the pack for his decisiveness during his hunting parties and likeness to Kadri in some ways. After some persuading from others, the light colored wolf put himself forward for Pack Alpha and was quickly accepted as the pack was shaking from Zavo's leadership. A blessing from the gods as the dedicated and clever Tempest took charge effortlessly. Tempest had decided his beta to be Akira, an older wolf that was always the most calm and collected and worked seamlessly with Tempest. Then did Tempest's reign begin and begin it did. Tempest found the forest and the entity too much of a risk for the fragile pack and decided to move territories. Within a moon, they found themselves pack land in the Tundra, a rather odd area but it felt fitting for the odd pack. Much like Kadri and Rian, Tempest's reign was long and prosperous before the wolf's old age caught up to him. After Tempest's death, his heir took over, the young and feisty Marisol, who also happened to be Akira's daughter, however the pack was less than pleased.

PACK ALPHA: Marisol [exiled]  |  PACK BETA: Akira [deceased]

Marisol wasn't not popular among pack members and friction soon began. Marisol, realizing her power wasn't as strong as she'd thought, was clever enough to keep Akira, her father, as her beta but even that wasn't enough for the disgruntled pack. Wolves disobeyed orders and did not hide their displeasure. Akira did try and advise his daughter but the brazen she-wolf was stubborn and became vengeful toward the pack. All it took was once incident for the pack to truly revolt. Marisol, in a fight of rage, had attacked a young adolescent and nearly killed the poor pup. It was at that moment did Akira realize that he needed to do something. So, the day after the incident, Akira along with their strongest wolves exiled Marisol for what she'd done. She didn't go quietly but she went all the same while cursing the pack over her shoulder. And like that, again a new pack alpha was needed. Many had suggested Akira, but the old wolf didn't believe he could be the Alpha as he felt comfortable within his beta status instead suggested another of his kin, the intelligent and observant Malachi.

PACK ALPHA: Malachi [alive - current leader] |  PACK BETA(s): Akira [deceased] | Tarot [alive - current beta]

At first the pack had been wary of Malachi, the son of Akira and half-brother of Marisol. Malachi had not blamed them as he to was unsure of leadership. However, Malachi's affinity for leading hunting parties and his compassion toward even the youngest members of the pack, something Marisol never had, was a start for the pack to try and trust the young wolf. Malachi, while not ambitious, had accepted the position of pack leader and had asked Akira to continue acting as Pack Beta which the old wolf had dutifully accepted. One of his first acts had been proposing a name change for the worn and weary pack, Malachi felt the Elysium named held too much darkness. From there, he proposed the name Vadon Village, it still held a pack quality but was new and refreshing. Malachi had also moved the pack from the Tundra to the taiga as he hoped it would provide more protection and distance them from Marisol's crimes and the she-wolf herself. For a time, the pack went on peacefully, pleased with Malachi's leadership until the day Akira passed away from old age. The old wolf had been a steadfast figure within the pack and many grieved but none more than Malachi. The young wolf was torn up by his father's passing and so refused to name a new pack beta. However, before the pack could panic, Oisin stepped in. The never-aging wolf soothed the pack's nerves by promising to do Pack Beta duties while not actually being pack beta. Oisin knew Malachi was struggling and let the wolf grieve while also keeping his pack safe. After many moons, the pack had thought they'd be without a pack beta for the duration of Malachi's life. With hope dwindling, many wovles took their leave and moved on, only the most hopeful and loyal chosing to stay by Malachi's side. This seemed to be the push Malachi needed for him to realize that his pack and he needed a second in command. Over a duration of two moons, Malachi watched his pack, looking for that certain wolf. He ended up finding it in the observant Tarot. The kind-hearted scout was rather wise for his age and often went out of his way to help others. The young wolf had been in the pack for some time, shorter than most but Malachi could see his potential. So from there on out, Malachi announced Tarot as his beta and the pack rejoiced, pleased by the choice even if Tarot was a bit embarrassed by the attention.


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