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big oops but also hype

big oops but also hype
Posted 2023-11-14 06:55:47 (edited)
okay so I accidently retired my previous stud instead of removing... in my mind I keep thinking retire as in retiring from a job and not retiring as in... well as in what? from life? dying? the word makes no sense for what it does and is unnecessarily confusing imo, but oh well.
I have a bad habit of not looking at confirmation menus when I feel like I know what it says, I really need to break it T0T
He was my only 100 proficiency scout, so getting glacier will be a lot slower lol

ANYWAYS... NEW STUD!!! HYPE!! The ONLY tombac gen1 stud!! exactly 100 sc to my name since I went all in, worth it!

I plan on decking him out on coigreach markings, waiting till they're out in the shop before adding any applicators since I haven't decided on a final design!
also need to change his skin, very fleshy lol.

edit: now thinking about it it's possible there's another gen1 tombac stud it's just not public, but he's the only public one!


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