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Wolvden playstyle change: No help

Wolvden playstyle change: No help
Posted 2023-11-11 20:52:50
As a new player at this point in time of wolvden, I wish I had experienced wolvden the way early players possibly did.
What do I mean by this? Part of the fun for me, is progressing my own dynasty and having the generations of my wolves to reflect how old my pack is. And the excitement of befriending a great wolf, but it's so easy to buy one from a more leveled player. I wasn't even checking NBW's while exploring, because I'm low leveled anyway. At this point there are "rare" traits that I didn't get to feel the rarity of because of popping in now- I can easily pair my bought wolves to amazing studs. It feels like I missed out on a gradual sense of achievement that this game had in place. Makes me want to change the way I play to try and mimic it, by not buying wolves, maybe I'm not being realistic because the game is already what it is- and I'm pretty attached to my wolves...

I tend to overthink games like this.

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