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๐ŸŒŒโญLilith's Art Shop (YCHs & Commissions) ๐ŸŒƒ๐ŸŒ™

๐ŸŒŒโญLilith's Art Shop (YCHs & Commissions) ๐ŸŒƒ๐ŸŒ™
Posted 2023-11-02 01:31:28 (edited)

Welcome to Lilith's Art Shop!

Welcome to my lovely little art shop, where I primarily sell YCHs and headshot/bustshot commissions! I also plan to sell some adoptables here and there.

For payment, I am primarily accepting GC and wishlist items that add up to being either the same or greater value, but I will take SC if necessary. My SC to GC conversion rate is 400:1.
For items that cost event currencies or aren't currently for sale, reference the TC for pricing.
I will not accept food, amusement, herbs, or remnants as payment unless they present are in my wishlist.


1. For YCHs and commissions, please reply to the thread with the filled out the forms provided with each option, in full detail. I can't guarantee I'll give you satisfactory results if you aren't specific on the form. (Note: YCHs each have their own form, found underneath the actual base!)
2. Once a commission/YCH is completed, you may do as you like with it, so long as I am given full credit and the work isn't used for the monetary gain of anyone but me. This means no reselling, NFTs, or whatever. Only exception would be the existence of the art increasing a wolf/character's value, which does kind of just happens by default.
3. Depending on the complexity of a character/wolf's design, I may charge more than usual. I'll be sure to state those factors at the bottom of this post.
4. You will pay first before I begin working on your order, after I DM you with the final price. If you've asked for a commission, I will also ask about your Discord, so I can send you WIPs.
5. If for whatever reason, I don't have your order at least close to being finished within a full month, I will send a full refund.
6. All Adoptables I do will likely be first-come-first-served, so keep that in mind.
7. The options you see under my commissions and bases are the things that are available. If something isn't mentioned or listed as being an available option, that means it's not available. (aka, please don't ask about fullbodies)

What I will draw
-Anthros & Ferals
-Humanoids (Just know they may not be as good as my animals)
-LGBTQ+ stuff
-Moderate Gore/Body Horror

What I will NOT draw
-Extreme Gore/Body Horror
-Anti-LGBTQ/Racist/Other hateful subjects, symbols, and items


If I deem a character/wolf design "complex", I will generally charge around 1-20 GC extra, depending on the overall complexity as well as sizing and finish. Some complexity factors for me may have specific prices attached to them. Though obviously, if a complex feature wouldn't actually be entirely visible in the piece due to sizing, it will not impact the price.

General design stuff I consider complex
-Detailed robotic features
-Detailed skeletal features (excludes markings as they're generally simplified)
-Highly detailed weapons/items
-Highly detailed markings (tons of specific stripes/spots, etc)
-Complex apparel (Many layers, many small details/patterns/accessories, highly detailed jewelry, highly detailed armor...)

Wolvden-specific complexity factors
-Markings with lots of crazy shapes and transparencies (Ex: Shaded) +1 GC per
-More than three total markings visible in the piece +1 GC per (Exceptions include duplicate markings and simple markings like Blaze. Additionally, high coverage markings, like Inverted Panda, at high opacities and on top of other markings can bring down the added on price.)


Posted 2023-11-02 01:36:53 (edited)

General Commissions

I am doing commissions for headshots, bustshots, and halfbodies of any character you desire!

Features the character's head and some neck.
Sketch: 5 GC
Outline: 10 GC
Flat-color: 15 GC
Cell-Shaded: 25 GC
Painted Shaded: 30 GC

Headshot Add-ons
Solid Color/Gradient Background: +0 GC
Abstract Background: +1 GC
Simple Scene Background: +1 GC
Special Effects: +1-5 GC depending on complexity
Props: +1-10 GC depending on complexity

Features the character's head, neck, and shoulder. May also include paw/hands.
Sketch: 10 GC
Outline: 15 GC
Flat-color: 25 GC
Cell-Shaded: 35 GC
Painted Shaded: 40 GC

Bustshot Add-ons
Solid Color/Gradient Background: +0 GC
Abstract Background: +1 GC
Simple Scene Background: +1 GC
Special Effects: +1-5 GC depending on complexity
Props: +1-10 GC depending on complexity

Features around half of the character, typically stopping at the waist.
Sketch: 15 GC
Outline: 20 GC
Flat-color: 30 GC
Cell-Shaded: 45 GC
Painted Shaded: 60 GC

Bustshot Add-ons
Solid Color/Gradient Background: +0 GC
Abstract Background: +1 GC
Simple Scene Background: +2 GC
Complex Scene Background: +10-30 GC, depending on complexity
Special Effects: +1-10 GC, depending on complexity
Props: +1-20 GC, depending on complexity

"Props" are items and accessories that normally wouldn't be featured in the character's design, such as a sword or book.
"Simple Scene Background" would be a scene with few background elements, such as the sky with hills.
"Complex Scene Background" would be a scene with several background elements (and even foreground elements), such as a forest or house.
"Special Effects" include things like sparkles, magic stuff, and whatnot that isn't naturally a part of the environment (Ex: if a scene involved a forest fire, flames, smoke, and cinders would not be counted as special effects. But if the scene did not involve fire, flames, smoke, and cinders would be counted as special effects.)

Commission Form
Character/Wolf Name: (Name)
Size: (Headshot/Bustshot/Halfbody)
Finish: (Sketch, Cell-Shaded, etc.)
Add-ons: (Backgrounds, Props, etc.)
Preferred Expression(s): (Happy, Neutral, Scowling, etc.)
Notes: (Basically anything else you want me to know)
[Also be sure to send either an image of the character or a link to the character's page, as well images of the props if they are asked for. For Wolvden wolves, you must send a link to the wolf's page.]


Here I have all of my currently available YCH (Your character here) bases. As of now, I only have two wolf-based YCHs available, though I plan to add more later on.
Note: For shaded YCH bases, I will not draw any decors/accessories that will significantly impact the lineart. Small decors like feathers or simple jewelry are acceptable, same for marking decors.

Before the Moon
Base price of 10 GC
A headshot of a wolf standing before a bright, glowing full moon with a neutral expression. The base is 1400x1400 px in size, entirely cell-shaded with dramatic light that is white along the hard edges. The eye will be shaded with more detail than what is showed in the base.
Color of the background and shading may be changed to whatever you like. You may also request for the subject to be flipped to the right.

Base: Before the Moon
Character/Wolf Name: (Name)
Notes: (Any added items should be noted here, as well as if you want me to flip the subject)
[For Wolvden wolves, please send a direct link to their page and/or wardrobe stuff.ย  Otherwise, send an image of the wolf character]

Bleeding Moon
Base price of 15 GC
A halfbody of a wolf posed with their head tilted far back, and to the side. The wolf is sitting underneath a crescent moon, having a crazed expression as blood pours down onto them from the moon. The base is 1400x2100 px in size, entirely cell-shaded with a matching glow. The eye will be entirely un-shaded, with no pupil.
This base features a single color variant that is inspired by the CD "Blood of the Immortal Enemy". The original red version is called "Blood of the Crimson Moon" while the more purple version is called "Blood of the Cursed Moon". If you want to see the purple version, please DM me for it. I can't seem to add it under a spoiler without messing up the visuals

Base: Bleeding Moon
Character/Wolf Name: (Name)
Variant: Blood of the (Crimson/Cursed) Moon
Notes: (Any added items or decors should be noted here)
[For Wolvden wolves, please send a direct link to their page and/or wardrobe stuff.ย  Otherwise, send an image of the wolf character]

Other Stuff & Notifications

I have previously mentioned wanting to do adoptables every now and then! Adoptables will be released in batches, and generally will be the most expensive out of all options in this shop, as they will be fullbody drawings made entirely from scratch (I will rarely use my own bases for these, unless they are normal animals). They will sent separately from the rest of the messages whenever they are released, and will have large watermarks on them. Buyers will be DMed versions of them with smaller watermarks.

Also, want to be notified of new stuff in my shop (including new YCHs and adoptables) but don't want to subscribe to this thread? Well, lucky for you have very convenient, self-editable notification lists right here!


Posted 2023-11-02 01:38:48 (edited)

Recent Examples!

Finished "Before the Moon" YWH featuring Haunting Night

A painted-shaded halfbody with an abstract background.

A painted-shaded headshot with an abstract background, as well as glitch and chromatic aberration special effects.

A painted-shaded fullbody with an complex scene background.

A painted-shaded halfbody with an solid color background and mirror prop.

A cell-shaded fullbody.

A flat-color halfbody and a fullbody sketch on a white background.

A painted-shaded headshot with a simple scene background.

Two flat color fullbodies.


Posted 2023-11-02 01:41:06 (edited)

Finished Commissions/YWHs

Cell-Shaded Headshot for mercurie

Cell-Shaded Bustshot for Vixie

Bleeding Moon YWH for badweather


Posted 2023-11-02 01:41:11


You never know!


Posted 2023-11-02 01:41:23


You never know!


Posted 2023-11-02 01:41:33


You never know!


Posted 2023-11-21 14:13:03
Character/Wolf Name: Raphael
Size: Headshot
Finish: Cell-shaded
Add-ons: Head wings (Head Wings [White]), third eye (Dreaming Cultist Eye), his crown (A Wild Crown), his body paint (Mark of the Seer) and his halo (Archangel's Radiance + Seraphim Halo) - these are the names of all the Custom Decors on him so you can pull them up and look at them more closely if you need! I can send you links to each one if you want, just let me know.
Preferred Expression(s): Raphael is a powerful archangel, with the Dedicated personality. So an expression that matches his lore would be great!
Notes: If the accessories are too complicated you can let me know and I'll simplify my request!



Posted 2023-11-22 20:10:05
Would you possibly be open to doing a murky greenish version of the bleeding moon ych? id be happy to pay extra for the trouble if needed!


Posted 2023-11-23 06:29:37 (edited)
Character Name: Atlas
Size: Bustshot
Finish: Cell-shaded
Add-ons: None! Just with transparent background
Preferred Expression: Determined
Notes: My discord username is v_ixie


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