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my traveler lore

my traveler lore
Posted 2023-09-22 06:08:17
this is just where i log all the lore for my traveler wolves :3 (just in case something happens to what i wrote)

Posted 2023-09-22 06:09:17
He did not expect to be sent out of his new pack so soon... He suddenly found himself encountering Kionid, a guard of the pack. She growled at him, but he howled a beautiful song, letting her know he meant no harm. Her gaze softened, and she sang along. She eventually flicked him with her tail, and took her in to the pack's inner sanctum. Vashten trots along, happily greeting the visitor. "A traveler? I see. We just sent out one ourselves, so you will be welcome here." As a token of her kindness, she gives him a snack.

Posted 2023-09-22 06:09:50
After finally leaving her old pack, where she realized she was for a while, she came into Jazz. He looked at her for a bit, and said "Oh! A fellow traveler! How did you find this pack, may I ask?"
She looks for a bit, and tells him "Just wandering around. I hope to make many new friends!" "I see you didn't run into Selah then" "Who?" "Never mind" He howls in what seems to be a mix of laughter and cryig. She looks at him, and then just pads in. Kionid is sleeping, so Vashten, the leader greets her. "Hello! Another traveler, I see?" She happily sniffs her, and then says "Stay as long as you please! Also!! I love your gorgeous markings!" "H-huh?" "Your white patches!" "Ohhhh, I get that alot <3" She then pads away and gets a snack.

Posted 2023-09-22 06:10:33
Fernweh walks into a forest, where Selah, a wolf with a stern approach greets her. Selah barks and snarls, and says "what do you want. i am SICK of these outsiders coming in. She flicks her tail towards Jazz and Honeyfern, who are happily grooming eachother, as Jazz just got back from a scouting mission". Fernweh is about to turn away and find a new pack when a white wolf, who introduces herself as Kionid bolts over. "I am SO sorry about Selah, she's very agressive and can be quite rude." She smirks at Selah, who just sits down and pouts. "Anyways, WE in this pack WELCOME travelers." She puts emphasis on WE and WELCOME, and gets all in Selah's face as she does. The blue haze in Selah's eyes flickers. "whatever. im just tired of wolves outside of the pack i hate anyway coming in. while i may hate them, theyre still my wolves to hate". Kionid shows her to the prey pile, where she devours a grouse carcass. "Hold on. Let me speak to Vashy" "Vashy..?" "Vashten, our leader, and my mate." "Is he nice..?" "She." "O-oh". "Its fine, and yes. She is very kind." Kionid trots off, and barks a short, quiet bark into Vashten's cave. She walks out, stretches, and gives Kionid a quick lick. "y-yes? im very tired." "We have one more traveler". Vash's eyes sparkle. "Well, tell them they can stay as long as th.." she flops on the ground, very exausted, passed out.

Posted 2023-09-22 10:12:46
(Fallen Moonshine)
the pup wandered for a while, and eventually found a pack. Would they take him in? He was getting hungry, and was eventually greeted by Selah, who growled. "There are no others to defend you. Get out. This pack is starvign as it is." He scurried away. Maybe soon, he will find a place to go..

Posted 2023-11-06 11:15:54

Trix stepped into the forest, where he was greeted by Jazz.
Jazz howled at her, hoping she'd howl back. (She did)
"hello! ar you a traveller??" he asks.
She responds with a "yes"
"Here! I'll take you to Vashten so she can introduce you to the other travellers, as they stay in a different den." He says "I'm Jazz, the other travellers are Fernweh, Honeyfern, and Skye. Skye is a traveller from this pack! He's waitgn on a new host."
"Whats ur name?"
Trix smirks, and says "It is Trix. I like you, you seem perfect." "Perfect for what?" "A friend!" she says happily! "Oh! Okay. you worded that kinda weirdly". "yeah sorry".
"anyways, at least I was out on a scout, or else you might've met Selah..." "Who?" "Selah. She's rude, especially to travelrs". "Oh". The two wolves pad away, where Vashten greets them, "Hello!" she says, Kionid (her mate) following her. "I dont have much to say, but I hope u enjoy ur stay! :D"

Posted 2023-11-06 11:29:46

Forest was taking a swim in a river, when he smells a wolf. He runs up to the scent, teeth bared. "You're on my territory, he says". The wolf, with fake sweetness, says "No. This is Vashten's." "H-Huh???"
"Oh.. looks like I swam too far... Im so sorry...". She lunges at him, and they fight for a bit before an adolescent wolf who was being trained by the female runs at them, eyes wide, begging them to stop. The female barks at him, saying "JAX! GET AWAY FROM HERE!" Jax runs away, and returns a few minutes later with a misty grey wolf, who yells "SELAH! STOP!" Selah, the female, pudlls off of him, saying "I WAS JUST DEALING WITH THIS INTRUDER!" The misty wolf asks "are you a traveller?" Forest quickly murmurs "yes... i wasnt traveling this instant though. just swimming and i went too far..." The misty wolf says "thats okay! stay as long or as little as u like! Im Kionid" she smiles.
"I'm Ash... I guess THAT one is.. Serah? Selah?" "Yes. We apologize abtout her, she's rude"
"its ok.. im used to it". The adol wolf from earlier runs over excitedly, and says "IM JAX!! Like my spots?" Forest admires his piebald markings, and says "yes. theyre very unique!" Forest then followes Kionid to the travelrr den, and quickly sacks out, very tired.

Posted 2023-11-06 11:57:57
Jazz gathers around the close friends he had made in Vashten's pack. Vashten herself, Kionid, recently Forest, and hecc, even Selah. He dips his head, and says, "it is time I go. Farewell, friends." He walks away, and turns back, with a smile, and howls one last song.

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