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Synthetic's Necessities Shop~!

Synthetic's Necessities Shop~!
Posted 2023-09-18 13:15:42 (edited)

Hello & Welcome to Synthetic's Necessities Shop!

I hunt and rescout frequently & always try to have an abundance of food and amusement in my hoard to sell. Because of this, I figured it may be a good idea to create a shop post so those in need can reach out to me at any time!

How my shop will work:
You may either reply underneath this post or send me a message.
I will primarily sell Food and Amusement based on how many Uses of it you request. (Please keep in mind that I shred most amusement that I acquire almost immediately, so if you are looking to get a specific item you may need to look elsewhere.) You may also ask me for other items, such as herbs and remnants. In other words, my shop is mainly for buying Food Uses and Amusement Uses, but you can ask me for pretty much anything and I will see if I have it, can craft it, or if it's possible for me to acquire it.
You set the price! I will mainly prioritize currency (SC and GC), but you are always free to ask if I'm willing to trade items. If you are in need of food, amusement, or medicine, you can come to my shop any time even if you feel like you don't have much to offer.
If needed, I will reach out to you to further discuss the transaction.
Finally, I will set up a private trade with you. If I don't have the exact amount of Uses that you requested, then I may add on some extras for you at no extra cost!
If anything goes wrong with the transaction then please reach out to me via private messaging.

Current Stock (as of 21st Sep, 2023, 05:52 [Wolvden Time])
680 Food Uses || 250 Amusement Uses

SyntheticLynx (they/them)

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