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The BOOBIES (Wolf ID 8008135) Fan Club and host request thread!

The BOOBIES (Wolf ID 8008135) Fan Club and host request thread!
Posted 2023-09-08 02:30:54 (edited)

Club News!:

BOOBIES has finally been sent on to her next destination, sorry for the delay. πŸ˜…

Didn't get to edit her bio during the break so I'll just get to that later.

Also the banner for her fanclub has finally been updated! 🎊

Hope you're all having a wonderful New Year so far!


This will be the thread where you can request to host the one and only BOOBIES

What makes her so special? Well look at her ID (8008135). It spells out BOOBIES in l33tspeak. 🀣

Come join us to help make her one of the most Meme-tastic wolves in Wolvden history!

She will be immortalized to preserve her ID, feel free to donate currency or decor/apps to her Fan Club!

All donated currency will go towards her immortalization fee, and all donated decor will be applied by me in between stops.

If you host her, please include your pack name and a link to it in your entry, as well as the date.

If you add any decor to her, please write what it is and how she got it.

There will also be a mini writing contest to see where her permanent home will be.

Any of her hosts will be eligible to enter the contest to keep her when the time comes. For your entry in her bio, include why she had a wonderful time in your pack, and a reason why she'd want to come back/stay.

The winner will be decided from top entries by a poll in her Fan Club!

The winner gets to keep her, a jellyfish from me, and hopefully the immortalization fee.

And please have fun! 😁
Unianigi {Bases:157/179}

Posted 2023-09-08 02:39:27 (edited)
This post will track her previous hosts, her current location, plus a waiting list of hosts!

If the next person on the waiting list does not accept the trade, please pass her on to the person after, thanks!

She left coyotecantdance's den on 9/30/23

She left Ninsun's den on 10/15/23

She left Cadence's den!

She left Halconera

She took a long break back home!

She is is currently withΒ  πŸ’€ Maladi idalaM πŸ’€#1568

Waiting List

1. 🌡NIB Brachy Breeder🌡 will get a chance with her when off hiatus.

2. blacklight

3. Dewdrop

4. SkyQuake
Unianigi {Bases:157/179}

Posted 2023-09-08 03:40:33 (edited)
Edited from original request to host just for fun!!!
The Boobies herself has arrived! Lille found the adolescent she-wolf gnawing on a bone and brought her home, much to Boobies disdain. She spent the entire journey huffing and shuffling her paws, moaning about wanting to be left alone. Lille could barely contain her laughter, thinking how this must've been exactly how her own mother was at this age.

Speaking of Lille's mother, pack leader Bjorn was not pleased in the slightest about a new arrival unexpectedly. She huffed, and shuffled her paws, and Lille only got giddier. The adolescent still smelled faintly of the comforting milky scents of a nursery, despite her nearly full grown stature. And she'd never heard a name so strange.... Boo-bees? She couldn't explain it. She could only delight in her mother's frustration over Boo-bees' sulky demeanor.

Boobies herself was bombarded with sounds and scents of the rich, bustling pack. Most of the members were as young or younger than she, being a relatively new pack wedged just below the cold mountains. To be honest, she'd come here because she believed no wolf could live here... deep sigh. Well, for now, she'll stick around-- y'know, since they're feeding her. Annnd, she guesses, meet some of the new (dreadfully) cheerful pack mates she's acquired. Not that she cares, or anything.


Posted 2023-09-08 04:00:51
I have never hosted a travelling wolf, I'm still pretty new, but I'd love to host her if I fit the criteria! :) I absolutely cannot write though I'm afraid haha


Posted 2023-09-08 04:15:15
Hi welcome! 😊 Please make sure you have traveling wolves enabled from your profile.

Just do your best regarding the writing entry, the most important part is that you have fun!

She'll be sent to you when coyote is done with her. πŸ‘
Unianigi {Bases:157/179}

Posted 2023-09-08 04:18:06
Thank you, enabled traveling wolves! Didn't even know that was an option haha. Very excited to host her :)


Posted 2023-10-09 13:46:36
I'd love to host her at some point! She's my lead's pup- I'm sure she'd love to see her family again :]


Posted 2023-10-09 14:03:44
I'm also new to traveling wolves, but I'd love it if she could visit my pack one day.


Posted 2023-10-09 19:48:35
Okie dokie the waiting list has been updated. πŸ‘
Unianigi {Bases:157/179}

Posted 2023-10-10 02:16:35
I'm very glad she's now got more people waiting to host her! She deserves it πŸ˜‚ I'm not sure when to send her to the next person, if I send her on after a particular amount of time or if you recall her at some point?


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