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Rusty's Food and Medicine Shop [Open]

Rusty's Food and Medicine Shop [Open]
Posted 2023-08-03 07:52:53 (edited)

Need Food?

Your stomach growls as you step into new lands, reminding you that your pack has not eaten in a while. Rustling from ahead makes you pause. A male wolf slips out from the bushes, a kind look in his eyes. He approaches you and drops a chunk of meat by your paws.

"Welcome, friend! Your pack looks hungry after all their adventuring. Why don't you talk to my lead hunters? For a small fee, I'm sure they can help you find whatever meal you're in the mood for."

He gestures with his muzzle towards three wolves behind him.

The first stretches her paws out and yawns before talking. "My hunters are the best around. We can get you any big game you like. Elk, deer, cow ... what are you in the mood for?"

The second snorts and rolls her eyes. "Big game is easy to spot. It's the little creatures scuttling everywhere that are the real challenge. Rats and stoats and birds are easily missed by lesser hunters. Which ones do your pack want?"

The third is silent, watching his companions for a moment, before turning to you. "My hunters don't care to compete, but we do like to travel to strange lands. Have you ever tasted seals from the frozen oceans, or alligators from the deep swamps? If you're after rare delicacies, I can help you out."


Rusty's food shop sells anything that can be eaten. Whether it's vast quantities of any food that you need for your starving pack, or a specific prey item you need for a quest, you can find it here. Either currency is accepted and prices are as follows:

1 food use = 5sc
400sc worth of food = 1gc

Repeat customers who have ordered at least 5gc worth of food in the past can buy food at the rate of 1 use = 4sc. Depending on how sales go, this may reduce further with continued use of the food shop.


Posted 2023-08-03 07:53:10 (edited)

Need Medicine?

The male wolf thanks you for your order. He turns to leave but pauses when he notices you looking at him.
"What's that? You have injured pack members? Well, why don't you talk to my herbalist?"
His muzzle points again behind his shoulder and you startle as a shadow moves. No, not a shadow. It's a wolf, dark as midnight, stood silently at the base of a tree.

"I have too many of these gold cones but I much prefer the silver ones. How about we make some trades? I'll give these gold ones to a random wolf who has given me herbs, and I'll sell these medicines I make from the herbs in exchange for the silver ones."


Current raffle: Enter with herbs to win 10 GC or 500 SC
Medicine trading:
Antidote - 300sc
Constipation Cure - 300sc
Cough Cure - 300sc
Cure for all - 1000sc
Cystitis Cure - 300sc
Diarrhea Cure - 300sc
Distemper Cure - 300sc
Ear Mites Ointment - 300sc
Fleas Remedy - 300sc
Healing Salve - 200sc
Heatstroke Remedy - 300sc
Hepatitis Cure - 300sc
Infection Balm - 300sc
Influenza Cure - 400sc
Mange Salve - 300sc
Open Wound Salve - 300sc
Pox Balm - 300sc
Rich Healing Salve - 1500sc
Ringworm Salve - 300sc
Tapeworm Remedy - 300sc
Tick Remedy - 300sc

Bulk orders of 5 or more medicines will be granted discounts at the rate of 25sc per medicine.


Posted 2023-08-03 07:53:20 (edited)
saving this post for later, feel free to comment with your orders


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