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Tales of Bushclan [onsite warrior cats rp] [open for new members]

Posted 2023-07-12 10:53:47
"Maybe they did" He visibly relaxed, contemplating the thought. "I'm not sure, I did see Moonpaw go in there with a mouse, so she could have." He purred, remembering the little kits. So cute and small.
Realizing Tigermoth was speaking, he hastened to reply. "It's alright. Healing your leg is the important part, and I think Tinyshadow would agree. I was planning to send the cats who actually got some sleep on the dawn patrol, but if you're sure about wanting to wake up that early..."

He flicked his tail teasingly, purring with amusement. "But the Midday patrol should be fine. Might go to the field to hunt, had a fight with a hawk in the woods today." Remembering the hawk, he walked over to it, wanting to show off, just a bit. "Halftail tackled it right out of the air, and I nearly ripped it's wing off." He purred again, pleased with himself.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-12 10:57:58

Moonpaw • Apprentice • She/her

Moonpaw finished sharing the mouse with Cinderwing. She had caught it earlier and brought it to her adoptive mother, Cinderwing. Cinderwing had asked if she wanted to share so she did. Moonpaw licked her lips before nuzzling Cinderwing. "Goodnight," She murmured. Her mother was beginning to slip into sleep.

Moonpaw padded out of the nursery. She looked up and realized how late it was. She glanced around camp and noticed Halftail by the fresh-kill pile, Tigermoth was mewing something to her and Owlstar was heading over to the young warrior. Moonpaw felt glad that her pelt was black, she would easily blend into the shadows.

It was late and she didn't want to disturb anyone. She quickly hurried over to the apprentices' den and slipped inside. She was the only apprentice in the clan, sometimes it got lonely. She padded across the soft ground and curled into her nest. She looked up at the roof of the den and blinked tears away. "I miss you, Softpaw," She whispered, hoping her sister could hear her. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I wish I had the chance to tell you goodbye..and that I miss you," Moonpaw murmured, a tear sliding down her face.

Moonpaw closed her eyes as the tear slid down her face. I miss you, Softpaw….It's not the same without you, She thought. Moonpaw let her chin rest on her paws, wrapping her tail over her muzzle as she slipped into sleep.


Posted 2023-07-12 12:26:54
Tigermoth- Warrior- She/her
Tigermoth purred in amusement at the excitable lead before letting out a loud yawn. Her ears went back in embarrassment "I'll just join the midday patrol then." She meowed, hoping the leader won't laugh at her tiredness .

She nodded a farewell to Owlstar (after a few more pleasantries), wishing him a good nights sleep before slinking over to the warriors den. Tigermoth's nest was quite close to the entrance as she liked being able to see outside into the clan; her nest was made of moss and a few feathers she had found littered around the forest.

She gently sat down in her nest, pushing a few scraps of moss here and there, removed a thorn that had made its way into her fur. Before she finally settled down, curled up into a tight ball, Tigermoth made sure that she couldn't hear anything unusual or dangerous, and the air smelt only of Bushclan cats. Tigermoth let out a content sigh and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

Posted 2023-07-12 15:42:54
Silentflight - Warrior - He/Him

Dipping his head slightly, the dark tom contemplated Rainbite's offer but shook his head in the end. "I appreciate it, but I should be okay to go get him. You should get some rest." With a flick of his long tail, Silentflight turned and slipped back into the darkness of the territory, carefully following Tinyshadow's fading scent. It wasn't that he didn't want to extra protection for Tinyshadow if Rainbite came, but rather that he knew the larger tom preferred not to engage with other cats if he didn't have to. No reason to make him uncomfortable; particularly since the medicine cat could chatter away with the best of them. Pausing every now and then to scent the ground, Silentflight knew exactly where Tinyshadow had gone after passing a specific, crooked tree. It was one of the few markers in this new territory he knew by heart.

Now that he no longer needed the trail, the lanky tom was able to utilize his long legs and trot through the foliage. He wished he could truly run just for the fun of it, but in the dark he'd more then likely trip over something and break his neck. Tinyshadow's scent suddenly spiked, and a rare spark of mischievousness rose up in Silentflight. Without slowing, he exploded from the underbrush next to the little medicine cat with a soft growl. As expected, Tinyshadow made a high pitched shriek, silver fur fluffing up all over until he looked more like a puffy owl than a cat. Giant yellow eyes whipped around to stare at him, making the medicine cat look much younger then he was. Unable to help it, Silentflight laughed softly. Which changed to loudly as Tinyshadow squawked indignantly, picking up a dirty root with a claw and slinging it at him. The aim was true, and it left a speckle of mud on Silentflight's shoulder.

"You are going to send me to a earlier grave you underfed, gangly mousebrain!" Tinyshadow howled, but his voice petered off into giggles. For a moment it was as if the mudslide had never happened, during happier times. But it was the lack of another cackle, louder than their own and always full of mirth, that had them sobering. "You think it'll ever hurt less?" Tinyshadow asked softly, looking to Silentflight's right where Howlingwind always stood.

He'd always wondered about Tinyshadow and Howlingwind, but had never asked. It wasn't his place, and both toms seemed happy with whatever was going on between them. But now, looking at the heartbroken expression on Tinyshadow's face, he thought he knew. Silentflight thought it was both sad and unfair, that everything had been against two. Tinyshadow's disease, which forced him to the medicine cat and disavow ever taking a mate, then Howlingwind's sudden death. Giving a mournful sigh, Silentflight leaned forward and licked a stripe across Tinyshadow's head; as if he was his brother. "I don't know. A part of me hopes so, but another doesn't want it too. To do so, would mean finally accepting his death." Unable to continue looking at the pitiful medicine cat, Silentflight turned and picked up the large laurel leaf that held the herbs.

Jerking his head back towards the camp, he carefully watched as Tinyshadow picked up a smaller leaf with a few more assortments of herbs. Walking slowly behind the limping tom, he kept a careful eye out until they reached the camp, where he followed Tinyshadow into his den to deposit the leaf on the ground. He wondered if any of the others cats who were awake could sense the heavy weight on their shoulders as they entered and prayed not. This pain was theirs, and no one else would understand. "Don't sort the herbs tonight. Eat something, then sleep. We can't afford to lose you too." Unable to help himself, he repeated the gesture from earlier, smoothing the ruffled fur atop Tinyshadow's head. "All we can do is know we'll see him again." Whispering the parting words, Silentflight turned and started to wards the warriors den. He should follow his own advice and eat, but the thought of food made him sick. He just wanted his nest and for the day to end.


Posted 2023-07-12 16:49:53
Rainbite - Warrior - He/him

The thin warrior had made his decision, and Rainbite accepted it without hesitation. His paws had felt tense from the long day of patrolling, perhaps because they weren't used to such a soft surface. The mountain had been firm against his paws, yet the mush of earth around here gave to his weight. Admittedly, walking on such soft soil was strenuous work for him. Although, he was quite certain that most cats from the clan wouldn't fair well in the rough mountains...

As Silentflight left, Rainbite turned to wander towards the warrior's den. His piercing yellow gaze rested hesitantly on the freshkill pile as he passed, but he continued on and decided against grabbing dinner. It didn't feel right.

He ducked into the warrior's den, moseying past the forms of sleeping warriors to find his personal nest, tucked away from the rest of the clan. He preferred the isolation, and based on the untrusting glares he got from some of the warriors, they preferred it this way as well. The spotted warrior settled into the bed of moss, inspecting his paws to ensure that he hadn't walked over any thorns. He did spot a small one wedged between his digits, and pulled it loose without a moment of hesitation. His paws still felt sore, but they'd surely feel a bit better now.


Posted 2023-07-12 19:58:04
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

The large warrior stayed out for a few more moments, her tired gaze looking up at the blinking stars above the clan. Her thoughts wandered to the cats who had survived these past few days...trying to remember who everyone was since she hadn't always spent time around her clanmates. She may not have known them well, but she still wished they were doing okay and were safe... Even with everything going on...

She let out a quiet sigh before slowly standing to her paws. She glanced back up at the sky one last time, her emerald gaze hardening for just a moment before it slipped back into her neutral look, before making her way into the Warrior's den. She padded through silently, making sure not to cause any noise or sudden movements that would wake any of the sleeping cats in the den. She then slumped down in her nest, curling herself up into something like a ball among the moss and leaves she had collected for her padding. The ache in her bones from today's strenuous activities faded away as sleep quickly overcame Halftail.

Posted 2023-07-12 20:04:46
After talking with Tigermoth, he had returned to his own den, and attempted to doze off. He had woken briefly at the sound of paw steps. He had scented Tinyshadow and Silentflight, so he presumed they had just returned. Shifting around, scattering the moss slightly, he managed to get back to sleep.

He needed the rest, and would have asked for a poppy seed from Tinyshadow if it hadn't already been so late. He gently licked his injuries, cleaning them best he could, while rooting around his small stash of trinkets he kept near the back of his nest. He knew he had hidden some lavender here, and could use the calming scent. Managing to find the sprig, he was about to curl back into sleep when his gaze stopped on the other items.

A small scrap of a nylon green collar, kept as a momento of simpler times. His good humor all but gone, he retired to his nest with a sigh, tucking the sprig into his tail, which he rested close to his nose. Lulled by the soothing scent, he drifted off to sleep. No dreams would come tonight.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-12 20:37:01

End of day one.

Current time:
Moon one
Day one

I put the time system up in the rules, but just to reiterate,
A day will end when everyone goes to sleep,
A moon lasts four days,
And a season lasts three moons.
Let me know if you have questions/concerns in the Ooc chat

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-13 06:37:38
Tigermoth- Warrior- She/her
Tigermoth's peaceful slumber was broken by a painful twinge from her leg, she emitted a loud groan which quickly muted after glancing around and realising that her fellow warriors where still asleep. She stretched out, making sure to remove any scraps of moss or feathers that had gotten stuck to her pelt. The small she sniffed at the air, which still proved that no dangers where outside and needed dealing with.

Tigermoth stood up and began the painful trek to the medicine cat den, she didn't want to wake up Tinyshadow but reasoned that the med cat would understand her concerns over her wound and if it was healing well since, although the skin had healed into a scar, her muscles underneath didn't feel as powerful as they once where. Looking up she noticed that the sun was just beginning to rise in the horizon.

Tigermoth smiled slightly "Guess I'll be joining the dawn patrol after all" Her shoulder gave a painful twinge as she mis stepped on a pebble "Well if I can persuade Tinyshadow to give me the all clear, and maybe some new exercises to strengthen my shoulder" Tigermoth was finally infront of the medicine cat den, she sat down to the right side of the entrance, waiting for Tinyshadow to exit so she could ask him for some poppy seeds.

Posted 2023-07-13 08:37:43

Riverwhisper • Deputy • She/her

The fluffy silver tabby she-cat pushed her way out of the warriors' den. She yawned and stretched, arcing her body in the air. She glanced around camp and noticed that only Tigermoth seemed to be awake.

Riverwhisper sat down a few tail lengths from the warriors' den and started grooming herself. She licked her chest fur to smooth it, then licked her paw and swiped it over her messy head fur. She gazed across the clearing for a heartbeat. For a few heartbeats she thought of how she, Onyxpaw and Sparrowpaw used to play together as kits and apprentices. Oh how things have changed… She thought.


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