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Chronicles of Sionnach, and the pack of white fangs. [DNR]

Posted 2023-07-01 15:39:37 (edited)


"I was exploring. Why did you take me away? I would've been fine."
She wrinkled her snout, sniffing the air. The snow was so cold, and she could smell other pups. Were they all from her pack? Had they gotten used to the snow by now? Was this wolf just taking away pups? She tried to scramble out of the hollow but the she-wolf put her gently back, her ears pricked. Sioc didn't know quite what to do, this kind of thing had never happened to her before. She had always used her strength to get her way. Say, that was an idea... She lunged for the she-wolf,  gripping some of that bright orange fur with her teeth, and tugging hard. The she-wolf growled, staring Sioc in the eyes. Feeling sheepish, Sioc let go, sinking to her belly, averting her gaze.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-01 20:44:59


The pup had fire in her, but she also had to learn respect. Rising to her full height, she began to question the pup, ready to instruct her. "what role would you like in our pack?"
The pup seemed confused, but answered quickly. "I've always wanted to finish the hunt, none of the other pups would do it right, and I'm the strongest anyways. What do you mean by our pack? I have my own pack back home. Sionnach watched the pup carefully, ready to calm the pup, if it was needed. "What is your name, pup?" The pup seemed confused, wrinkling her snout. "I didn't get one. Only my brothers got those. Do you have one?" Sionnach chuckled, the idea of a nameless pup was quite amusing. "I am Sionnach. It means fox, in old wolf. Tell you what. If you join my family, my pack, I'll let you finish the hunt. I'll give you a name, as I've given the others.  You will be Sioc, named for the glimmering frost. The name was my gift to you, but if you want to finish the hunt, you need to learn of the great chain...

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-02 16:55:37


It was going quite well. Sioc had accepted her name and place in the pack, and was excellingin her training, leaving Sionnach incredibly pleased. She had decided to celebrate with a feast, and had caught a fine, fat, hare for each pup. She watched peacefully as they tore Into the rabbits, wrestling each other for the best scraps of meat. She would drift off to sleep, pelt warmed by the soft spring sunshine. It was night when she woke, sensing something was wrong. The other three pups were curled up by her side, but Arttach was nowhere to be found. She got quickly to her paws, sniffing the air. She found him by the rabbits. He had choked on a sharp bone, and, unable to cry out, had quickly died. her world was shattered. Her only surviving pup…

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-02 16:59:40 (edited)

Pack event: Death of Artach

Sionnach led The mourning howl, pouring her grief out to the stars, letting her howls guide his spirit to lupus, in hopes he would dance with the stars. But even in death, there was hope for the future. Gual had found a new pup, Maraglin, stranded on an ice flow. She had gotten lost while trying to find her way back to the pack, and after a series of tests, she was accepted into their pack as the stalker. They would begin the journey back to Sionnach's first pack, as the pups needed training that Sionnach could no longer give. They were practically adolescents by now, and would need to observe a proper hunt, not just scrapping after rabbits. She still knew the way back, even after so many moons. Artach's death had only cemented in her mind the importance of the great chain, the importance of the strength and power of a pack.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-04 13:17:31 (edited)


She sniffed the trail ahead of her, trying to find where the other pups had gone. Sionnach had been training them even harder that before, making even their play into some kind of a training exercise. She was supposed to find Gual, who would chase his brothers towards an ambush, where Sioc would try and subdue them all. She got the sense that Gual was supposed to lead his brothers, and it was either her or Sioc that would be his mate one day. Sioc was the more dominant and aggressive of the two, which Maraglin supposed was the natural temperament of a finisher. Iolar was loyal, following his brother around constantly, while Caonach was quiet and subdued, seeming to have withdrawn when Artach died. They would be adolescents tomorrow, and then the journey would be over. Sionnach had introduced them to a different pack the night before, explaining to them in private that they would train here before taking over. Maraglin didn't relish bloodshed, but she would gladly fight for the others. Another young pup, younger than them, had been taken under Sionnach's wing, as he was to be the future Gnaw wolf of their pack. He was called something else by the rest of the pack, but his true name was Cnámh, Bone, after his bone-white patches and his piercing yellow eyes.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-04 14:45:22 (edited)


They were here. He had crested the rise, racing ahead of his brothers, to look down on the other packs camp. They were full adolescents now, and he had gone out on his first hunt with a pack. He had carefully watched the chasers, admiring the beautiful flowing dance that was the hunt, and had found that he was well able to keep pace with the full adults of the hunting team. The ones that spoke with him had been terse, and cold. They didn't seem to welcome the five extra mouth to feed,  even though it was only spring. It mattered little, they would take over soon enough, when they had reached adulthood. He plunged down the rocks, leaping effortlessly across each one, following the adults in the chase. Maraglin and fern were behind them, having completed the stalking of the prey. Sioc and reed ran just behind them, conserving energy for the kill. As they rounded the hill, the elk began to visibly tire, and Gual, his job done, fell back, allowing Sioc to race ahead, and plunge her teeth into the elk's throat. Reed was close behind, and helped her bring it down.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-09 12:58:39


It all fell apart so quickly. He and his brother Caonach had been play fighting near the center of the resting ground, while Gual had followed Sioc out of camp, laughing about some other wolf's mistake. Maraglin had been resting nearby, focused on some strange scent. Then Thunderheart had come into the clearing. She had looked down from her place by the great oak, and lunged for him, growling. Iolar had flung himself out of the way, but the damage was done. Caonach and Maraglin were facing off with the old wolf, fire in their eyes. Thunderheart must know, somehow, of their plot to get rid of Icestar. Then the clearing erupted into chaos. Sionnach had returned, with Gual and Sioc at her heels, and when she saw the standoff, she didn't hesitate. Sionnach went for the leader's den, calling out the challenge words. "I, Sionnach, challenge this wolf for leadership. His time as leader is over, and I-" Sionnach was tackled by Pepper, but reflexively clamped her jaws down on icestar's throat, killing him instantly. As the others stared in shock, Gual began the howl, first to welcome Sionnach as the pack's new leader. Iolar was quick to join in, and soon, all five were singing her praises.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-09 13:52:11 (edited)


Things moved quickly after that. The second hunting party was chased from the territory, and they began training in earnest, always keeping a watchful eye. Even though Sionnach held the title of Alpha, she could tell the pack didn't trust her fully. This was reinforced when Gual took ill, right after eating something brought down by the second hunting party. Sionnach flew into a rage, driving all of them out, with more than a few bites as a reward for the poisoning. Caonach wasn't sure how he felt about all this. They couldn't have been trying to actually murder his brother, could they? The herbalist, Aspen, diagnosed it as simply ringworm, but Caonach had his doubts. Seeing Gual writhing on the ground like that... It couldn't have just been ringworm. Afterwards, when Gual was well enough to train, they went out hunting together.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-14 11:35:28 (edited)


It was time. She gathered her pack in the center of the clearing, and gave the call. A rising howl, A beautiful song flooding the camp. Gual raised his head, regarding her cautiously. He got to his paws, and lunged. Sionnach lead them in attacking Thunderheart, diving straight for her throat. The others fought like a true hunting party, with Gual in the lead. Thunderheart growled and snapped, her fur on end. Pepper and Sky had fled with their pups when drove out by Gual and Iolar, and Fern and Mosssight had left long ago. It was just her. But the older wolf still had some fight left in her. Thunderheart was vicious, all thoughts of honor and dignity gone. This was a fight for survival.

She  ducked and weaved, trying to sink her fangs into Sionnach's neck. But Gual or one of the others would tackle her away, and try to wrestle her into submission. The two newest wolves lurked on the edge of the clearing, not wishing to get involved. Feá and a strange male, who had not given a name. But the slink melf they had created worked. It was Gual who brought the old wolf, down, slicing through the life pumping artery in her neck. As one, the newly formed pack preformed  the ritual of lochinvyrr, honoring the faithful life the elder had led.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-19 23:02:11 (edited)

Pack event: Founding of the pack

Gual stepped before Sionnach, eager to be the first to submit to her in the elaborate rituals the great chain demanded. He had grown into a strong, powerful, young wolf, and he was looked apon with favor for the position of second in command, and yet... He was proud, and detested submitting to anyone but his chieftain. Iolar was next, screwing his face into the ground, rolling back his eyes. Sioc followed suit, the proud she-wolf dropping instantly to her knees.  Maraglin was next, easily submitting, seeming to quickly accept her place. Caonach was the last of of her original group, and seemed almost afraid, slithering towards her on his belly, tail tucked firmly, ears laid flat. Sionnach summoned the new arrivals to her, and they submitted quickly, impressed by Sionnach's displays of strength and dominance over the others. They introduced themselves as Feá and Faoileán, traveling companions from a strange land, where the sun never set. Faoileán in particular seemed interested in intricate order of the chain, and Sionnach made a mental note to introduce him to a particular old grizzly that lived in a grove nearby. Feá seemed simply pleased to settle down, and, after introducing herself to the others, she lay beneath a tree, and began to doze.

He groveled before his new chieftan, his mind spinning. This was a land, he was sure, where he could tell his stories, could hold a skree, and sing the song of his pack. And the beautiful red she-wolf standing before him, Magairlín. He knew nothing of her, except that he would make her his mate, or die trying. He would have to contend with another, the wolf called Caonach, but that wouldn't be difficult. He, with his rank as Skreeleen, and knowledge of herbs, was the far superior choice, and if it was a love match, it would be all the better. He needed to cement his position in the Carreg Gaer, and Sionnach had told him that even with his skills, this would be difficult. The clan of white fangs, the Fangbáns, was a small one, but powerful, already becoming more widespread. It was made up of three packs, the pack of white fangs, which was the Carreg Gaer,  the pack of singing ice, and the smallest pack, the pack of soft snows. These packs lived to the north and south, and would often meet with the Carreg Gaer, meeting for the occasional byrrgis and skree circles. Faoileán would start digging his own den tonight, and cover it with porcupine pelts, picking out any stray quills. He wore a thick white pelt, the pelt of a large cat-beast from a faraway land, where snow never fell. This pelt was sacred to him, the pelt worn by his former pack's skreeleen. She had gone by-lang right before her death, and he still didn't know quite how she died.

She laid to the side, thoughtfully appraising the wolves before her. They were clearly masters of the land, with their piercing green eyes, and thick winter coats. She felt no particular pull towards anyone of them, and wished for a moment that she had remained in her homeland. But this wasn't the case. She had submitted easily, not quite understanding the intricate rituals. But she was grateful to have found a good home during the hunger moons, the moon of frost stars, the middle of winter. The meat trail was silent as it always was in winter, and they had survived mostly on lemmings and snow hares. This new pack seemed to be doing better, managing to catch larger things like beaver and porcupine, and Sionnach seemed to be a good fisher, bringing the occasional piece of delicate meat back to camp. She constantly worried about her standing in the pack, but her position as Captain placed her third in the ranks, just after Gual. She had retired to her den, a small den just big enough for two wolves to share comfortably, and set about lining it with the pelts of hares and stoats. She missed Faoileán's company, as he was regulated to the rank of skreeleen, and sent to rest in a more solitary den, where he could tend to the sick without risking the entire camp.

He had settled down as well, in the large den shared by him and his brothers. It was comfortable, lined with deer pelts, and adorned with scraps of antler. He had left the den late at night, and crept over to where Sionnach had her den. But his chieftain wasn't there. Worried, he nosed around, trying to pick up her scent on the thick musk ox pelt, where she had lain down for the night. But it was quite faint. He returned to his den, still concerned. He paced for a moment, his hackles rising. This worried him greatly. Sionnach wouldn't leave like this, so soon after founding the pack. He finally got up, and began the difficult task of tracing her scent. It took a long time, as he had no training in the art of stalking. He soon found her, sitting on a rock spire, seemingly deep in thought.

Cornsnake enthusiast

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