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[DNI] Prophet's Reign Archive (Mostly Stories & Pack Info)

[DNI] Prophet's Reign Archive (Mostly Stories & Pack Info)
Posted 2023-06-18 14:46:49 (edited)

For archiving purposes, and also to tell the stories of my pack, I'll be starting this thread. I don't expect for many people to see this, or care, so it won't be very organized. For context, the Prophet is my first lead wolf. This is what it will contain:

- Old den info, for future reference

- Stories about what pack life was like under the Prophet's reign

- The pack founding

- Anything else I think fits into this thread

If character death, especially puppy death, disturbs you - then you probably don't want to read all of this. Also, this is my first major writing/world building project! This is going to be absolutely horrible to read.

Table of Contents
1. Valiant

1a. Takeover
1b. Backstory
1c. Relationships

2. Moonblessed

2a. Characters
2b. Backstory
2c. Relationships
2d. Role

3. Pack Founding

3a. Founders
3b. Start
3c. Valiant
3d. Vesper

4. Religion

4a. Vesper
4b. Valiant
4c. The Tree

5. Pack Functions

5a. Castes
5b. Customs
5c. Territory
5d. Pack Relations

6. Miscellaneous

6a. 1-Off Stories
6b. Old Den Page
6c. Old Bios


Posted 2023-06-18 14:52:48

1. Valiant

1a. Takeover

1b. Backstory

1c. Relationships


Posted 2023-06-18 14:55:23

2. Moonblessed

2a. Characters

2b. Backstory

2c. Relationships

2d. Role


Posted 2023-06-18 14:59:14 (edited)

3. Pack Founding

3a. Founders Valiant Hits Against Foe (Valiant)

Valiant was a normal wolf, albeit bossy. He always tried to be fair to the other founders and often took charge when it came to hard challenges. He was one of the younger members of the group, though others commented that he often acted older than his age.

Over time, he grew more and more power hungry. He was planning, though the others didn't know it.

Enduring Chases On Foot (Enduring)

Enduring was a plain wolf, loyal, dedicated, and fearless when the others were in danger. He did not have much interest in leading the group or running things, just enjoying the time he had.

Nothing mattered more to him than his brother, Swift Runs of Wolf, or as Enduring called him, Swifty. Enduring often was overprotective of Swiftrunner, which was the beginning of most of their conflicts.

Stubborn Deer of Mountains (Stubborn)

Rather an outcast, Stubborn preferred to be alone compared to being in the company of their group members. They were very interested in more recreational activities, like carefully carving out small depictions of events on wood or soft stone.

If they could, Stubborn liked to be around the groups unofficial healer, Combative. The two often spent their time together, being playful and even being flirty on a few accounts, despite Combative's older age.

Swift Runs of Wolf (Swiftrunner)

Swiftrunner at first was Valiant's biggest supporter, being a voice of reason and a right-hand man. He was the perfect compliment to Valiant's hot-headedness and occasional rashness. That is of course, until he started pushing too far, too often.

Cornered Feisty Weasel (Combative)

He knew. He knew all of what happened in the founder's group, and the things Valiant did to gain power. He enjoyed the simpler things, and only stayed around the others due to habit and convenience. That, and he felt responsible to treat all of the younger wolves.

Observant Owl From Tree (Observant)

A really active and attractive male wolf, Observant did NOT live up his name in the slightest. He was a blunt wolf, prone to not thinking before forming an opinion or speaking. Nobody really enjoyed having him around, but they needed his speed and good nose.

She Who Watches The Above (Skywatcher)

Skywatcher was a caring, agreeable wolf. She liked helping Combative, much to the dismay of Stubborn, who was very jealous. After all, Skywatcher was near-perfect in her eyes, and was also Combative's age.

Skywatcher herself was oblivious to all of this, and was content to participate in hunts occasionally and lived a long life in the founder's group, and later, Valiant's pack.

3b. Start

3c. Valiant

3d. Vesper


Posted 2023-06-19 18:13:45

4. Religion

4a. Vesper

4b. Valiant

4c. The Tree


Posted 2023-06-19 18:15:43

5. Pack Functions

5a. Castes

5b. Customs

5c. Territory

5d. Pack Relations


Posted 2023-06-19 18:19:06 (edited)

6. Miscellaneous

6a. 1-Off Stories

6b. Old Den Page As you wander the forest, looking for your destination, a sly-looking wolf greets you with a grin, leading you into a ravine deep in the forest. It looks busy, with thorn filled bushes lining the outsides and the evenings rays lighting up the ravine. Wolves are traveling from ledge to ledge via a mixture of jumping and using logs that have been carefully placed to form makeshift stairs, busily scampering everywhere. In a hidden den in a nook, behind leaves, is an elder telling stories to young pups who are listening attentively. Five wolves come back dragging a large carcass into the encampment, who are quickly aided by stray wolves passing by. They seem to get adoring looks from spectators, and you guess they are one of the higher ups. Your tour explains that they are part of the Moonblessed, the highest rank a wolf can get other than leader. You get a tour of the various caste dens, getting curious looks from some of the members. You leave right as the sun starts setting and you have a horrible pit in your stomach. Something seemed... off. As though they were merely putting on a display, just for you.

Pack Tenets

* The Prophet is chosen by Vesper, and questioning Him is due cause for treason
* Vesper is all knowing, and questioning HerĀ is due cause for treason
* One should never disobey Vesper or the Prophet, and doing so is due cause for treason
* One is given their role for a purpose, questioning their role is to question themselves and Him
* One should do their best to act with compassion and help others, within reason
* To serve the pack is an honor, and you shall do your duty to help it thrive
Pack Overview

Moonblessed, the second-highest ranking wolves and the chiefs. They organize and run the pack and fill in for the Prophet when He is not able to fulfill duties

High Kith, the third-ranking wolves and the valuable. They are mutated, powerful, or exceptionally beautiful wolves. He may move wolves here for his personal use. They have best access to food and amusement, but must still provide for the pack.

Middlings, the fourth-ranking wolves. These are workers, who may carry genes for mutations or be of a good temperament and power. They help provide the most, and have decent access to food and amusement.

Dirtlickers are wolves who are temporary residents or for sale. They have little-to-no access to food and amusement, and do not provide for the pack.

Unkith are wolves deemed free to others, if they would like to take them. If there are no wolves available for taking, their cave may be used as a quarantine cave.

6c. Old Bios


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