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Rendezvous Site 1: Milor Bay

Milor Bay is south of the Biretre Cove, a few miles seperate the matured hunters from the weak puppies, to keep it safe; there is a stream just big enough for puppies to struggle in that keeps them at bay. Milor bay is surrounded by large rocks and a singular tree placed above the cliff it sits upon, allowing the roots to seep into the actual den. Mated pairs in the den are required to share nests, sometimes of the nests are needed for Biretre Cove, Arus members have to share a nest, but its a win win because it provides extra warmth for both parties.

***This den is also used as a quarantine for sick wolves to keep both the hunters and Nesters safe.

Rendezvous Site 1: Milor Bay
Name Stats Info Currents
Oh boohoo, cry me a river.
285 stats L4 Female 1 year 11½ months (Adult) 1y 11½m Breeding Cooldown (10 rollovers)HerbalistSick
345 stats L1 Male 0 years 9 months (Adolescent) 0y 9m Hungry UnhappySick