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Yucos Pass

Most wolves avoid Yucos Pass. The twin rivers to the east merge into a rapid river known to toss large prey and wolves alike south into the Great Water, never to be seen again. Beyond the river is unexplored territory. Occasionally a foreign scent blows by, and the creatures here puzzle over its origin.

But all wolves must make trips to the Pass occasionally. To the south, close to the water, herbs bloom in great abundance, and Herbert quietly sits among them. To the north, where the humid forest dries into sandy red rocks, the pack's herbalist stores herbs and cures wounded wolves.

Yucos Pass
Name Stats Info Currents
752 stats L16 Female 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m In Heat (3 rollovers)Scout
485 stats L13 Male 2 years 5 months (Adult) 2y 5m Hunter