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kimsere. ·ᴗ· #88515

hi. he/they/it. use this for more extensive info.

i can craft medicine, gift food or amusement to folk who are in need. feel free to dm, i don't bite.<3

feel free to friend me, auto-accept is on!, i am more than willing to become friends - even if we dont ever talk. i also have a discord: kimsere#8830 i accept pretty much all friend requests there too. :)

╔══.·:·.✧ 「 chats' antics 」 ✧.·:·.══╗

「 𝓫 𝓵 𝓮 𝓾 」 (#75908): yumy i crave the bone
☃️𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓮🎄 (#56226): idk i name alot of my nbws that are poop 'rude'
then wait for them to die <3
𝗟𝗲𝘅 ✧ (#48499): You flirted with 'a dirty diaper' kinda notification
🍂[Kim]"Fall"in For You🍁 (#13734): Technically it's (rain) recycled dinosaur piss.
Heehoo 𓆏 (#19992): Open my mouth up on the rainy days bc I love dinosaur
「 𝓫 𝓵 𝓮 𝓾 」 (#75908): I have abandoned all sympathy for these horses and now I feast on their flesh
Nisora (#110932): I misread this fish named carpsucker as corpsesucker and I can't unsee it every time I catch one
「 𝓫 𝓵 𝓮 𝓾 」 (#75908): Fuck give me your carcasses you foul beasts
「 𝓫 𝓵 𝓮 𝓾 」 (#75908) @[88515]: bro vampires could get it. And by it I mean my corpse

Member Information
Name kimsere. ·ᴗ·
Pack Ashen Moss Pack
Lead Kenai
Joined 2022-09-15
Last Active 2023/05/16 23:09:33
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