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Jubilant Jas #43984

Hi there! I'm a 30 years old and a mama to a threenager and an infant. I'm online often, but mostly lurking while I'm working or moming. FYI, I'm 2 hours behind WD time.

Feel free to shoot me a DM about whatever. I love to chat. If you see a pup or wolf you absolutely love, feel free to message me about it and I might be able to let them go. Raffle ๐Ÿ‚ 3 Recipes: ๐ŸฆŠ๐ŸฆŠ๐ŸฆŠ Eyes ๐Ÿ No Cancel! Lots of entry options. Fox trophies to come later.

Rotating Tags by: BESSY BONE #1193, Loafhound #10390, Snow--Chan #53012, Mochi ##74056, and Dying_Dove [S2B breeder] #30439


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Member Information
Name Jubilant Jas
Pack Starfall Court
King ๐ŸƒBraihknah๐Ÿƒ
Joined 2021-05-18
Last Active 2024/02/20 11:06:39
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