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Ōristu pack chronicle (personal use private thread) [DNR]

Ōristu pack chronicle (personal use private thread) [DNR]
Posted 2022-11-19 13:46:13 (edited)

The law of the pack

  • Time is noted by winters, as the falling snow is the most significant and noticeable indicator of the passing of time. Seasons are used for more precise measurements. Winter is only counted once the snow has perished and flowers started to bloom.

  • None of the pack shall hold the mating privilege but the blood of the breeding pair, the Ōritsu lineage. The pack should aspire to be held by the bond of blood, and its breeding habits should reflect this. Violation of the mating privilege is strictly punished by banishment.

  • No wolf carrying the blood and name of a pack other than the Ōritsu family shall seek refuge under the reign thereof. Lone-living wolves with no discoverable heritage are exempt from the rule, as they are considered the heirs of no pack rather than a foreign pack.

  • As an exception, at times of prosperity, a wolf younger than an adult may be taken in, fed, and sheltered until adulthood. They are never considered a full member of the pack, as they carry another pack's lineage and are not by default entitled to their usual share of catches and protection as other pack members. They always need to be banished upon reaching maturity.

  • Addition number one, from the decree of Elvor ev Ōritsu. Barefurs shall not be approached at any cost, and seeking to do so is punishable. They are capable of conspiring against the very existence of the pack and contact with them puts the pack in imminent danger.


    Pack ranks

    • βῆτα -  non-alpha wolves of top rank.
    • γάμμα - meritorious wolves of the pack, seasoned members of the family
    • δέλτα - promising pack members on the rise, placed above your ordinary pack member
    • θέτα - a protected group of "weaker" wolves - young and vulnerable pack members, retired old wolves, challenged wolves might also be given this rank if unable to perform duty
    • κάππα - an acknowledged member of the pack


Posted 2022-11-19 13:48:21
3 winters, fall season
Elvor was resting in the dens, shifting his feet nervously with his three little puppies curled up by his feet. The chilly, late autumn wind was blowing into the cave, signaling that winter would arrive soon. In the distance, five wolves appear. The hunting party looked exhausted, returning without a catch, with a guilty-looking Elles in the lead.
She gently walked up to him and nuzzled his cheek, pressing against their puppies to provide shelter from the cold. With the arrival of new litters, the coming of new yearling wolves into the party, and the retirement of experienced wolves, there were now even more mouths to feed, with the hunts rarely succeeding. Elvor watched as the tired wolves took their places in the shelter and rested his head against his mate. "Do not worry," whispered Elles. "We have some carcasses left. We will make it through."

Posted 2022-11-19 13:49:12
3 winters, winter season
The three puppies were playing carelessly in the white-painted grass. Elric pounced on his sister Eydis to knock her over and was met with a nibbling counterattack. "Knock it off! You´re pulling my ear!" whined Elric to gain the advantage of sympathy and bit Eydis in the tail as soon as she let go. "Ow! Now you´ve done it!" Eydis kicked a pile of snow into his snout with her back left, making him stunned. Elieh seemed disinterested in the commotion around her; she just sat in a nearby patch, facing the other way. She looked very concentrated and slightly annoyed at the fuss. "Would you two keep it down...". The other two puppies looked in her direction and approached, noticing that she had been watching a little mouse hidden in the foliage, perhaps on a mission to get some food in the winter conditions. All three puppies looked at each other in sync, jumping after the critter and clumsily trying to deliver a kill with their lack of experience. "Aha, got it!" Squeaked Elric holding the mouse by the tail proudly while his sisters watched in jealousy. Shortly after, the mouse turned out to be alive still, slipped out, and escaped, never to be seen again, turning such a prideful moment into a mockery and shame.

Posted 2022-11-19 13:50:08
4 winters, summer season
The three young apprentices, Elric, Eydis, and Elieh, were standing in front of the cave, growling and bickering loud enough for every pack wolf to hear. "Now, now, what is all this..." their mother walked over graciously. "Why does she get to train for a stalker? I've always wanted to be a stalker..." Eydis whined, looking all hurt and almost tearing up. Her sister yelped back, "It's not my fault! I was chosen for that!" What a bizarre situation. Elles sighed and looked at the last pup; Elric was grinning, certainly there for entertainment. Then she took Eydis away from the rest of the pack on a long walk. "I am saddened," she whispered. Eydis bent back her ears in shame "but mom, I don't wanna be a finisher. If I don't get the spot now, I will be in the back for the rest of my life!" "I understand, but you must never act this way. A fighting hunter means the pack goes hungry. Please think of that. Every day, my party and I go out many times to feed your hungry mouths." she stopped speaking and looked forward for a second. "Do you recognize these wolves?" They watched a chaotic group of wolves struggle to make a catch and blame each other for the failure. "These are our most recent hunters, only slightly older than you. My party and your father are supplying all the food for our pack of 18, but in a few winters, we won't be able to do that anymore." The she-wolf looked back at her daughter, who was visibly worried and whining. "But- what will we do without you?" Her mother nuzzled her in compassion and licked her nose. "You will need to learn to work as a team. One day, you will lead your own party in my place or the pack in your father´s. Never bicker with your comrades; god forbid, siblings. You need to complete each other and cooperate." Elles turned around and started walking back, having her daughter follow her. "I cannot give you your sister´s role. I have assessed her as the fittest for this; she has been training hard and has proven herself. If you dislike your position, you can fill my role instead. I will make an outstanding lead chaser out of you."

Posted 2022-11-19 13:50:55
4 winters, winter season
"Father! Mother! We are back!" Elric, Eydis, and Elieh were approaching from the distance of the desert. The rest of the pack focused their attention on the now grown, three royal-blood young wolves, accompanied by Sennt and Lyesi - the newly formed hunter group, training to be the leading providers. They held a small critter proudly as if this was a big victory. Their parents smiled, glad they had brought something home for the first time. "Well done, Elric, Sennt, girls. Please put the catch away and eat your fill from the reserves," said Elvor himself and licked his mate´s nose with a chuckle. "Huntmaster Elles has made a few catches for you." As the commotion dispersed, the young hunters went further into the pack, meeting with the other members. "Oh, how splendid." Satura, the pupsitter, came up and brushed against Elric´s chin flirtatiously. He took immediate notice of this and wasted no time manly puffing out his chest. "Spend no time worrying. Each day, there is more food, and I will make sure everyone gets their share." Elric proclaimed, letting himself be hypnotized by Satura´s addictive presence. "While you were gone, I found something I wanted to show you." She led him away, waving her tail.

"Gross," said Eydis, lying down with the rest of her hunting party. "Have they never heard of keeping it private?" "That´s just the way it is now. Besides your father, Elric is the only male of the Ōritsu reign. Thanks to the pack law, he has been getting swarmed with females ever since coming of age." explained Lyesi. "He can do all he wants, though he might need to work on his hunting if that's going to be his pick-up line." Elieh and Eydis laughed together, to the surprise of the other wolves. "Have you two not heard yet? Your partners got chosen too. Your father thought it would be appropriate to pick mates with similar potential as your own. He chose Parimadaq and Sennt." Said Mari, approaching the chatting group. The two females' faces suddenly filled with horror. Elieh dared not let a word out, as Sennt was right next to her; she only lowered her head and looked away. Sennt, of course, noticed this reaction and growled quietly. "Parimadaq? Are you certain?? That wolf cannot be even approached! I want to choose on my own!" Eydis shouted in utter disbelief. "This won't do."

Posted 2022-11-19 13:51:53 (edited)
4 winters, winter season
"Come on up! Hurry!" she giggled as she graciously jumped on top of a fallen tree. Eren hung on her tail, trying to keep pace with the swift and agile she-wolf, slipping down on the icy bark. "Eydis! you will get us both in trouble!" He pleaded. "I really don't care. I wanted to get away. Things are a mess back in the pack." she gracefully strutted through the snow. "My brother has it going on with just about every other female in the pack. I have the burden of making sure everybody eats. Both Sennt and Parimadaq are getting on my nerves. Especially him, really. I have someone I don't even like as my mate." She turned around in her list of complaints to give Eren a slight smile "you understand, don't you?" Eren looked around and sighed. "You can not keep running from your problems. This is the way the pack is. Let's go back, else they will send out a party for us. I would rather not have Parimadaq skin me alive." he whined nervously, clearly uncomfortable at the thought of being scolded for stepping out of line. "Ahah. You worry too much. It´s not like that, Parimadaq is just a jerk. He is hard to get along with and distant, not possessive; he does not care in the slightest what I do or who I am with. Sennt on the other hand... he is eaxtly that. I may not exactly love my sister, but I definitely pitty her for being his chosen mate." she approached Eren and rubbed on his side, causing his face to turn abashed with a sligh gulp. "Now, come. Just a little more." she went on to walk further. Eren rolled his eyes incredulously "You will be the death of me..." as he hurriedly trotted to follow.

Posted 2022-11-28 04:03:01 (edited)
5 winters, spring season

Elieh was galloping through the woods at dusk, four wolves closely following her. "Ahead, just a little further," she muttered with her nose down while focused on her task, "two does." she slowed down, Eydis gracefully overtaking her, "Elric, Elieh uya! Sennt, kute! Lyesi gad!" She commanded, barely glancing back at any addressed wolves as they took their positions. Sennt took her side, running along, but she felt the building tension in his mood. *Please, do not stir trouble.* she thought to herself but did not say a word, as everyone was now quiet in their run. They ran up to two does positioned nicely to control where the prey ran. Running up from the sides, Elric and Elieh kept the target from running off, Sennt and Eydis pushing at the does from behind, chasing onwards and tiring them. It soon became clear that the party of five wolves could not take down the two does, "Sennt, kute!" Eydis barked, asking him for help taking down a single doe and letting the other escape. She watched with horror as he did not react to her commands and instead closed in on the prey. The does fell into a panic driven by their instincts and stopped in their run, counter-attacking the wolves in a desperate attempt. Their kicks and stomps are mighty, and while the party could take down one of them, two does were significantly more dangerous. "Fall back!" Eydis yelled a quickly took a few steps back to avoid being trampled by a doe. "Get that game running again!" Elric tried to snarl and appear menacing, hoping to scare the does off. Sennt had other ideas; he crept back on one of the does, yelled, "take it down!" and dug his fangs into its hind leg. The doe kicked around in panic, leaving him with a large open wound and kicking him away. Elieh quickly ran up to Sent and helped him escape the immediate danger, leaving only three wolves against two does. The prey, of course, noticed this and used the opportunity to flee. Eydis watched as her success ran off, hopping into the forest.

She growled and turned around at Sennt. "You never! Ever! Disobey my commands!" she spoke so loud it could be heard all across the hunting grounds. "Have you lost your mind?" Sennt's fur prickled hearing these words. "You had a week's worth of catch in front of your nose, and you could have taken them down. An incompetent bitch who can not catch a single deer!" he stormed, blood dripping down his thigh. "I am done with you, your commands, your cowardness, and your scrap-catch." He lounged at Eydis to bite her, but Elric finally stepped in and stared him down. "You do not attack your huntmaster, period." Sennt scoffed and turned to limp away. "Sennt, hold up!" his mate Elieh hurried to his side, but Sennt lashed out at her. "I swear, you touch me one more time, and we will have issues." he continued to limp away. Eydis, calming down, looked around at the rest of her hunting group. "I apologize for the hunt. This is it for today." With their heads down, they then set off back home.

Posted 2022-11-28 07:23:14 (edited)
5 winters, spring season

Lyesi was lying in the kappas den, her stomach was inflated and her expression seemed restless. Everyone knew what was going on, nothing out of the ordinary really, the last few months came with many litters of cubs. Thanks to the laws in place and the relationship situation in the pack, they were all the children of Elric ev Ōritsu. Babysitter Satura, who had had her pups two months prior, carried her young and laid down next to Lyesi "Hopefully everything will go alright with you, too. If not, I can try to call Arakimi. Though, she is not eaxctly open to be bothered..." she muttered and licked her daughter´s head. The little puppy squeaked and shook off her mother´s unsolicited kiss, then went off to play with her brother. "Do not worry, it should all be fine..." Lyesi answered, restless, but content and with a slight smile.

When Elric passed by the Kappa´s den, he heard the cries of little puppies. He was not permitted inside the kappa´s cave, and as such has yet to see his children. Suddenly, a tiny puppy walked up to him and gently waved it´s tail in the air. Her mother Satura was closely behind. Elric stared at the puppy curiously, feeling unsure about the encounter. "Come on, don´t run off like that!" She called out to the little puppy who suddenly, prompted by her mother´s catiousness, became a lot shyer. Satura caught up to the puppy and greeted Elric with an averted gaze "This is a very important wolf," she spoke to her daughter softly "when we meet them, we look away." The puppy looked to the ground and held her ears back. Elric crouched up tp the kid´s averted gaze. "Hello, Im Elric." the puppy reacted by shooting a confused look to her mother "Yes, that´s your father."

Posted 2022-11-28 07:51:57 (edited)
5 winters, spring season

As soon as the youngest litter of cubs had turned one month old, they were scheduled for presentation to the leading family, as it's part. Lyesi, the mother of the youngest litter, was leading her 3 tiny puppies, while Satura, the pupsitter, was watching 5 significantly bigger ones, trotting alongside her. Elvor and Elric sat by the high-up dens, watching the approaching group. "Sirs," Lyesi laid down the puppy from her mouth and settled the rest, averting her gaze as a sign of respect to the alpha and first-in-line. "we have come to acquaintance you with the cubs born in the Kappa's den, of the Ōritsu lineage." she touched her puppies with her nose. They were small enough that they barely knew how to walk.
Elvor was feeling proud, but Elric was rather uneasy. He had never had to deal with pups other than his siblings, and these were his children, yet he felt a strange connection to them. Elvor, with a smile, looked over all of the puppies like a kind grandfather. "What a wonderful bunch of children" and his eyes stopped at Lyesi's litter, "and these are twins.Well, I accept all these pups as my legion. Elric, you need to give them names by the Ōritsu customs." Elric came up to the puppies and began assigning names, specifically interested in the twins. The thought for a second before making a decision "I shall name you Nyra and Nira ev Ōritsu, welcome to the pack," he licked their forehead and moved on "my son shall be named Nylou ev Ōritsu, welcome to the pack..."

Posted 2022-11-28 07:54:34 (edited)
5 winters, summer season

The pack was extremely busy that day; everyone was out, leaving behind only the pupsitter and the puppies. Eydis' party was moving away from the territory, and Elieh worked hard to stalk out the best prey possible. Eydis was waiting on her patiently, giving an occasional angry stare to Sennt. Elieh seemed worried, as she could not pick up the scent of any prey in this area. „Strange," She muttered „normally, you would see prey here. Have you noticed that even the birds are gone?" The wolves looked at each other. What would that mean? „Do not overdo it," Elric answered. „we have enough old carcasses at the stockpile. Let us go home." Eydis nodded silently, and they turned around to return. Elieh seemed bothered all the way home. „I don´t like this.", she kept muttering. As soon as they slightly closed in on the pack´s den, Eydis suddenly pinned her ears down and bolted towards the caves, pure horror in her eyes. Elieh understood and followed her swiftly, leaving all the other wolves confused.

„Puppies!" she yelled as she approached the Kappas´ den. Satura was gone, and the cave seemed otherwise empty; there was just a lingering smell of the puppies. "They are gone! Elric! Elric, hurry the fuck up! All the puppies, they are gone!" the other wolves ran towards the cave, and their heart skipped a beat at the scene. Lyesi, usually calm, was giving in to panic. "They must be around here somewhere! They have got to!" she ran around, looking for her children. Elric seemed stunned. Inside his heart had just broken and a devastating fatherly instinct kicked in. "Elric, keep it together. I know you're shocked, but we have got to do something." Elieh pleaded, empathic. Elric looked at the ground in guilt and then turned to his sisters. "Please, find mother and father, tell them immediately what happened, Sennt, come help me out." he quickly started searching the seemingly empty cave. "I'm here! I'm here! Dad!" a desperate cry filled the air, immediately catching the wolves attention. Elric seemed to get a glimpse of hope and started picking up scent furiously. "I can hear you; hold on!" he stuck his nose into a crack and pulled out one bruised pink puppy, revealing a second, tiny newborn. The puppy immediately cuddled up to its father. "I have another!" he pulled the little, second pup out and pushed them into his legs.

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