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BlizzardOfDeath and Birbz Private RP - A Light In The Mist

BlizzardOfDeath and Birbz Private RP - A Light In The Mist
Posted 2022-05-11 11:56:12 (edited)
A Light In The Mist

Private Deathlands Roleplay

The eerie place is a dead-end for any soul. But will a few risk to find a single flare of hope in this place? The black, dreadful eyes are always watching. They are watching every step. You can not escape.

Birbz's Characters


A fierce she-wolf with a raven that would do anything for her. And her, who would do anything for the raven. Aspen has lived through many fights and pack wars with her extremely sharp claws and teeth, trained for the bloodsheds. All she cares for is her raven now... She is a reliable, silent and loyal wolf.


Foxtrot is a selfish, precise she-wolf with attempts to be perfect. She adores all kinds of decorations, beauty and perfection itself. She is disgusted by pups and any small creatures. The fault of a pup murder is on her, Foxtrot left her pack and is now wandering pointlessly.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-05-11 12:11:07 (edited)
BlizzardOfDeath's Characters:

A cunning and crafty wolf, Nitidus had been searching for a means of escape the moment she arrived, her two bird friends help her and are her only companions.
A morose wolf, Griseo had given up long before at any chance of escape, she follows Nitidus around for amusement, though her constantly depressed attitude can be a bit annoying.

Posted 2022-05-11 12:37:36 (edited)
A growl echoes in the deep forest. Aspen glares at Auburn with deep, inexpressible hate. Auburn snickered, latching at Aspen quickly, deadly grasping onto her throat, while Aspen mercilessly claws on Auburn's face. The raven caws, flying around and attempting to help her companion, but that was resultless.
"Shh.. You will be okay."
Aspen's last words, addressed to her life-long raven friend, echoed dreadfully, as her hazel eyes lost the sparkle of living in them. The bird attacks Auburn from the back, pecking her head lethally. The raven has avenged her forever companion, getting to quietly mourning Aspen.

Foxtrot hopelessly paced through the dead field. She groans, licking her golden lunula. Her paws trembled, Foxtrot hasn't took a single bite of food in a week. Her throat was dry, no single lake out here. The bright yellow eyes seemed to lose any hope, as the female falls to the ground. I don't want to go! These thoughts were senseless, Foxtrot knew there's no way back. A last glance onto the clear sky, as the female's white paws drop and her eyes calmly close. Forever.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-05-11 12:44:42 (edited)
Nitidus padded through a strange realm, the landscape covered in glowing blue plants. This was the first time Nitidus had set foot in the dreamlands, and she explored every nook and cranny. The world was somehow both real and not as she sniffed the air, loaded with strange scents. Her ears twitched as she heard the howls of the creatures who lived here, and the noise was coming closer. Nitidus tried to pinpoint the direction it was coming from, but the landscape echoed the sound around. A growling Pherris wolf appeared, and then another, and another. Nitidus soon found herself surrounded. At least she took out a few before she died.

Griseo padded along, following a seemingly endless trail of prey. She growled with frustration before noticing another smell. There was a wolf pack here…. Griseo froze, her eyes searching the suspiciously rustling bushes for signs of wolves. To her dismay, a pack of wolves came out of the forest. She didn't last long, after all, she was in their territory.

Posted 2022-05-12 10:54:51 (edited)
Aspen's paws twitched. She coughs out some unusually colored blood, standing up shakily. Her short, surprised breath eerily echoes through the dark forest. A misty figure of her loved raven shows, as Aspen leaps onto it in hopes. Nothing. A cold trail of her breath becomes one with the fog. Aspen sheathes her claws, hopelessly dropping onto the wet ground.

Foxtrot stretches like if it was a new, exciting day. But instead of a usual, comforted smile her eyes open with surprise. What was this place? She looks at her golden lunula. Ah, it's fine and this means she is fine too. Foxtrot licks herself, unusually cold. But what is this place? No answers. Foxtrot shrugs and stands up. She passed out in a meadow, why is she in a.. Forest?

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-05-12 10:58:38
Nitidus looked around, her eyes taking in everything as she resolutely stepped through the desolate landscape, intrigued. Her two birds, Argenti and Satis followed after her. She padded along through the glacial biome, excited.

Griseo woke up frightfully, sighing with relief when she realized she was still alive! Or so she thought, why was everything so gray? Why was it so quiet and…where did the wolves go? Griseo slumped down, where was she?!

Posted 2022-05-12 11:09:30
Aspen heard light steps echoing nearby. She perks her ear, a sparkle appears in her hazel eyes. Aspen gets on her scarred paws in hopes, just to see.. A weird bluish wolf eagerly pacing through the forest with a pair of birds. Aspen shakes, all of her wonders disappearing. A low growl grumbled in her throat, as Aspen stands, ready for a possible fight. Another one.. Her hazel eyes rarely blinked.

Foxtrot hops through the forest. Hmm.. Any hopes of surviving? She felt her throat dry, shall find nearby water or the thing before happens. Her fur bristles at the sight of fresh blood, a familiar.. Wolf skull? Damnit! Foxtrot backs away, heading to the opposite direction with perked ears.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-05-12 11:14:57
Nitidus had spotted Aspen and purposefully walked in the opposite direction, she had things to explore and didn't feel like talking to wolves. She investigated the monochrome glacier, ignoring Aspen and her raven. She dipped her paw into gray water, it just felt cold. This was most definitely a strange place, the blue wolf thought.

Griseo laid down on the ground, she was exhausted. Griseo closed her eyes tight, maybe when she opened the, she would be back in her den. No luck. The gray wolf whimpered.

Posted 2022-05-12 11:17:27 (edited)
Aspen growls, lashing her tail and walking away. Her paws barely lifted, painfully dragging on the ground, leaving her marbled paws bleeding and leaving a dark red trail, a nice addition to the eeriness of this place. But not so nice to Aspen herself. She drops down to the cold ground, catching her breath rapidly.

Foxtrot spots the laying wolf, dashing in that direction in hopes that's not just carrion. Aspen instantly latches towards Foxtrot in protection of herself. Foxtrot, offended, licks her lunula and backs away in a step, lifting her chin proudly. Aspen intimidatingly growls, forcing Foxtrot to pace away further.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-05-12 11:37:38
(Oh oops, sorry.)

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