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fellow anxiety havers, what obscure things do you dislike?

fellow anxiety havers, what obscure things do you dislike?
Posted 2022-03-02 00:52:18
fellow havers of anxiety... i'm curious to know, are there any completely random things that just make you uneasy or tense? not talking phobias or full-blown panic-attack inducing things, just little things that make you feel off.

for me, here's some:
• sirens (like, ambulance/police/fire trucks)
• the sound of helicopters/planes in the sky, but ONLY at night
• the sound of the wind if i'm alone and it's dark outside
• motion-activated toilets
• elevators (not because i think i'll get crushed, they just... weird me out)
• driving near any sort of water, be it over a bridge, on the coast, near a pond, etc...
• being in a public building (think college buildings, libraries, doctor's offices) in that weird moment where you're the only one there and it feels like you're in the twilight zone
• that weird time between 5 and 5:30 am where it's dead silent outside because the night shift people have gone home and the day shift people havent woken up yet and it's still blackish outside and there's just... nothing
• mourning doves doing the "coo, coo... hoooooh" thing when it's like 6 am and you're the only one awake. it's like sleep paralysis but somehow worse

there's more but these are my most obscure. what're yours?

Posted 2022-03-02 13:02:35
I've got several
~Escalators - I'm always scared they're gonna slice up my feet
~Loud chewing - ughhhh
~People coming up behind me - my hearing devices' range doesn't reach behind me
~Guests not wearing masks in my house - dammit show some respect
~Droning sounds - they grate on me
~People looking over at my screen - stop being nosy
~Doctors' offices - somehow time just .... doesn't exist here?


Posted 2022-03-02 21:01:52
oh god yea, i forgot how much i hated escalators.

Posted 2022-03-03 13:08:46
For me it's stepping on something in the dark. Not exactly tripping, just stepping on something. Anything.
I also don't like sitting close to people I don't know but I'm sure a lot of people hate that lmao

·˖˚ Rainii ˚˖·

Posted 2022-03-03 13:17:30

The Thing That Gets Me The Most Nervous More Than Anything Is Trying To Insert Myself In A Group Or Activity, Or Just Being In A Large Group In General. It Makes Me Feel Like Nobody Wants Me There If I'm Not Actively Doing Something. Though Thinking On It Now It Could Be Because Of My Past Experiences In Being With Large Friend Groups.


Posted 2022-03-04 08:23:02
-Stepping on something squishy. My spine tingles for a good 5 seconds after.

-Standing really close to a freight train passing, like really close. The horn makes my whole insides vibrate with this strange primal urge to run, but not necessarily fear driven? I'll sometimes sprint to try and race with the train to get the nervous feeling out my legs.


Posted 2022-03-04 10:03:16
~ Walking too fast
~ Loud sounds
~ Banging on things
~ Small rooms
~ Not enough space away from people
~ Touching
~ Large groups
~ Alone at night (outside)

I have more but hhh


Posted 2022-03-04 10:05:20
If someone is looking at me while i'm doing something i have to stop. It doesn't matter what i am doing but i absolutely have to stop and do my best to act natural. Also, being the first to anything. Absolutely refuse to be the first person to do something.


Posted 2022-03-05 11:02:32
weirdly enough I love everything Johnny listed (except sirens and toilets); I like a lot of uncanny things like liminal spaces

I dislike
having to eat in public
having to run in public
crossing the road
everyone being on their phones


Posted 2022-03-05 14:55:12
For me its:

Large crowds
Loud noise (particularly sharp, screechy sounds like cutlery scraping a plate)
Being randomly touched by people I don't know well
Public transport
Being the centre of attention
Eye contact (this is mainly because of my autism lol)

GaySatan (on hiatus)

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