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Lunar Appreciation

Lunar Appreciation
Posted 2021-02-27 00:44:14

So we finally have our first event!! This is super exciting and I would love to hear what everyone has to think so far! :)

Personally my biggest takeaway in the first few minutes is just that everything is SO SO beautiful!  All the different biomes, the dreamland map , the new NPCs, the new decors, its all so pretty that I want to cry in happiness 

Please share your thoughts and what your favorite parts are so far!

I'm super excited to work this into my personal lore too !! I really like how the devs mentioned it is meant to be sort of open to interpretation so that people can build their own ideas around it


Posted 2021-02-27 00:47:49

i love the artwork , the new decors and the selene base. 

my favorite part is the  dream world. because it is unique and beautifuly done. 

i like how the dev kept the event where everyone can interpreit their own way. 

i'm not sure how i'm going to fit the event in my own pack lore. 

i'm going to do my best to get the selen base and the other applicators. 


Posted 2021-02-27 00:49:38

preety, makes my brain go brrrr 

no but seriously, i like it.i like the fact that i can even use dreamworld encounters to hit the snake up with even more. seems like this is going to open up a lot of proverbial doors for things that will eventully come out


Posted 2021-02-27 01:20:56


ooh, yes, I really like the bright blue nose and pawpads - while they don't really suit any of my current wolves I need to come up with a design that suits them immediately haha


y e s, glowing blue art? FANTASTIC haha - and yeah it seems like there's a lot of cool opportunity with this! 


Posted 2021-02-27 01:24:50

I love everything about it! The artwork is stunning!

I did not expect the event to be this advanced, and I really like the idea of a returning monthly event.

A+ to everyone involved, lol!


Posted 2021-02-27 09:54:07

I love the artwork!!

Every single encounter makes me go all "Oohhh" and "Preeetty"

And the Walrus with the laser eyes is the best! *nod nod* I love him!

WD Art Team really made a wonderful job!


Posted 2021-02-27 14:38:02 (edited)

I just want to say that the map is simply beautiful.

🍄 𝕗𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚎

Posted 2021-02-27 15:01:07
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Posted 2021-02-27 20:34:12

So far I am loving all of the art and encounters! I'm a big sucker for black/dark colors with blue and so all this art is just spectacular! The world created for this event is wonderful. Having had all the biomes unlocked for awhile now meant that exploring was fairly repetitive, but now I'm excited to get back out there to see the new encounters and art. Plus I want all of the decor from the event shop so I have a lot of work to do XD
Very happy that this mini event will be re-occurring and also excited to see what other events we will get in the future!


Posted 2021-02-27 22:38:48

It's absolutely lovely, everything looks so beautiful! i cannot WAIT to see what other special bases we get in future!!


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