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The Lumineers Story

Posted 2021-02-19 07:11:29 (edited)

Day 14 Of Astra's Reign

Coyote is showing the following symptoms: Lack of Appetite, Frequent Squatting. Uh oh.

She has constipation.


Posted 2021-02-21 23:01:02 (edited)

Day 15 Of Astra's reign

Missed a day, oops! At least not much happened.

Um. This is a issue.

Anyway, besides that, literally every food item I own is rotten. Oops, gonna have to fix that.

I got curious what Rose looks like full grown, here he is as a puppy then adult.

Pretty basic, actually.

Astra leveled up! She is now level 7.

Okay, its almost roll over time, and I've bough 3 new wolves. I need to stop.

It was midnight. Freyr was out gathering herbs, when he heard whining. He went to investigate, and found a full grown female wolf, with two pups. 

"Hello?" Freyr said to the female.

"Hello, I am Sparrow. I am searching for a new home for me and these pups." The female said, as the two young pups played in the background.

Freyr smiled, "You could join our pack! We're trying to expand, Im sure our leader, Astra, wouldn't mind!"

"That would be great, but here's one thing." Sparrow gathered the two pups around, "These pups aren't... normal pups."

"What do you mean?" Freyr asked.

"These two were proven to be melanism and albinism carriers, in my old pack, this meant they were cursed, so they were abandoned, but I saved them. I don't want another pack like that."

Freyr felt bad for the two pups. "Its alright, we don't mind that."

Sparrow sighed in relief. "Good, now, can you lead me to your pack? We're starving."


Posted 2021-02-22 00:08:00 (edited)

Day 16 Of Astra's Reign

Coyote gave birth to 4 puppies, ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME BROKE? 

Boost to most of the pups survival chance, yay!

Also, green pup alert ( im naming him SHREK )

Rose, Salmon, and Fishy have been weaned! Probably just gonna sell them


Posted 2021-02-23 17:04:53

Day 17 Of Astra's Reign

Arctic is a big boy now!


Posted 2021-02-24 13:01:15 (edited)

Day 18 Of Astra's Reign

Optimus became a adolescent! 

Couldn't help myself when I found this beautiful NBW, Maple. Time to write some lore!

Maple sniffed the air. Wolf pack. Most wolf packs he's wandered into have been aggressive, trying to kill him immediately. He saw a hunting party in the distance, He approached them curiously. The four wolves growled at him, but he raised his tail up high, and snarled. They glared at him. He howled.

"Let me join!" He growled.

"No way!" A orange wolf hissed.

Maple tackled a younger wolf, and he yipped, trying to throw him off. The wolves fought for awhile, until they gave up. 

"Fine, you can join, if our alpha says yes." The wolves said.

Maple smirked. The story of the wolf who fought his way into the pack will be passed down to his pups. One day, he will kill the dominant of the pack, and he will run this pack. He will be the alpha. He would prove his littermates wrong. Just you wait.

Can't find a job for Arctic... He wouldn't fit in with the hunting party because of his personality, but I don't wanna spend any SC on changing his personality


Posted 2021-02-25 12:07:34 (edited)

Day 19 Of Astra's Reign

Rollover... and nothing happened. :(

At least we moved to Riparian Woodland!

Oo! Astra can have babies- I was going to find a stud for her, but I forgot. Sigh. At least she and Freyr will have some pretty pups!

My daily quest is complete 4 hunts.

Decided to chase away Arctic


Posted 2021-02-26 15:19:52 (edited)

Day 20 Of Astra's Reign

Rollover! Ack, nothing happened besides some pup survival penalties. Oops

414 SC check! And spent half of it on more wolf slots-

Oo- Sparrow's in heat- puppy time! Marble is in heat too!


Posted 2021-02-27 11:26:07

Day 21 Of Astra's Reign

Ooo, Lunar Event!

Shrek and Pidgeon were weaned today!

Decided to chase Shrek, though. Just not enough space. Sorry, buddy!


Posted 2021-02-28 11:17:22 (edited)

Day 22 Of Astra's Reign

Swan grew up!

Swan is also pregnant now

Swapped Swan's personality from trusting to neutral so she could fit well with the hunting party.


Posted 2021-03-02 17:41:24

Day 24 Of Astra's Reign

I forgot to do it yesterday. Oops

Evelyn and Tawny are adults now!



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