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test time, please ignore~

test time, please ignore~
Posted 2020-11-12 09:53:52 (edited)

Trying to fiddle with some things, don't mind me >.>


Posted 2020-11-12 14:36:21 (edited)
The fact that I have to use tables instead of proper HTML5 fills me with so much helpless rage


Posted 2020-11-12 14:55:25 (edited)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non rhoncus ex, ut mattis arcu. Sed feugiat lacus quis suscipit finibus. Phasellus at efficitur libero. Fusce porttitor est et nulla condimentum, in faucibus risus porta. Ut non vestibulum turpis, a dignissim urna. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur luctus, lorem nec vehicula aliquam, quam lorem suscipit dolor, in vehicula ex diam at lectus. Nulla pharetra arcu eget imperdiet blandit. Pellentesque molestie volutpat purus ut aliquet. Ut magna leo, aliquam id molestie eu, suscipit in justo. Suspendisse hendrerit, ex condimentum viverra porta, tellus quam facilisis risus, eu sollicitudin nunc purus eget augue. Fusce sollicitudin enim in ante pulvinar vehicula. Curabitur ligula leo, consequat ac sagittis ultricies, sodales sit amet metus. Morbi finibus tellus ac diam euismod, eleifend fringilla lacus vestibulum. Nunc vehicula sollicitudin nunc, et ullamcorper libero varius dictum.
SubHeader 2
Aliquam euismod sed dui sed tempus. Nam ut tortor vehicula, condimentum nibh sit amet, finibus dolor. Proin tincidunt lacus lobortis, facilisis mauris non, sagittis ante. Integer condimentum, lacus nec euismod hendrerit, metus neque dignissim felis, facilisis fringilla metus libero nec tellus. Praesent pellentesque posuere urna, quis tincidunt libero sodales sed. Fusce enim urna, lobortis a ex at, accumsan mattis orci. Vivamus ultrices libero sit amet tincidunt gravida. Phasellus eget facilisis sapien, vel dignissim ex. Etiam non finibus tellus, sit amet ultrices nisl.


Posted 2020-11-12 18:15:09 (edited)
Icy's 100% Proficiency Flash Auction
I've got a bunch of 90+ proficiency wolves that need new homes! All wolves will be over role cooldown by auction end.
SB: Starting Bid CB: Current Bid AB: Auto Buy
MI: Minimum Increase 10SC
The minimum amount you must increase from the last bid.
GC:SC Conversion 1GC = 80SC
You can pay with any combination of GC and SC.


  • Be respectful! Any harassing other bidders in this thread will get you blacklisted.
  • Do not beg or whine please. If you're struggling, you may DM me directly, but please do not make other members uncomfortable.
  • Only bid what you have!
  • No retracting bids. If you feel you have a legitimate reason, you may DM me, but I will have the final decision.
  • This auction will end November 22nd, 18:00 Wolvden Time.

Table by Iceclastic (#22924)


Posted 2020-11-15 16:44:43 (edited)
New Player Raffle! - Base Changer
Ending December 2nd, 18:00 Wolvden time
It's time for a new round of puppies! I have a few I've bred, and a few from my breeding partner Poette (#3188).

1GC = 80SC
You can pay in any combination of GC and SC. Bids will be recorded in the currency the last bidder used, but you may bid with a different currency/combo.


  • Be respectful! Harassing behavior will get you blacklisted.
  • Do not beg or whine, or anything else to make other bidders uncomfortable.
  • Only bid what you have! Retracting bids will get you blacklisted. If you feel you have a legitimate reason, you may DM me.
  • This auction will end November 22nd, 18:00 Wolvden Time.

Table by Iceclastic (#22924)


Posted 2020-11-15 20:23:56 (edited)

Tier II

SB: 80SC CB: -- AB: 800SC (10GC)
Tier II | Breed-only
4 markings
227 stats
⭐️ Helpful
Saito - SOLD!
SB: 40SC CB: AB by JellyFishLace (#29666) AB: 600SC
99% Finisher
4 years 11 months
340 stats
10 markings
⭐️ Lazy

Table by Iceclastic (#22924)


Posted 2020-11-15 20:57:13 (edited)
It's that time again! Once again, I have a few pups I've bred, and a few from my breeding partner Poette (#3188)

1GC = 80SC
You can pay in any combination of GC and SC. Bids will be recorded in the currency the last bidder used, but you may bid with a different currency/combo.

Sex Changer Special
You can bundle a sex changer with any auction win or flatsale purchase for an additional 2GC/160SC (33% off grove price)
  • Be respectful! Harassing behavior will get you blacklisted.
  • Do not beg or whine, or anything else to make other bidders uncomfortable.
  • Only bid what you have! Retracting bids will get you blacklisted. If you feel you have a legitimate reason, please DM me.
  • This auction will end January 1st, 18:00 Wolvden Time.
  • To avoid auction sniping, individual pup's auctions will be extended past the end time if they were bid on in the last hour.
New Player Special
Players with 3 or less Tier IIs can take 50% off flatsale prices and 75% off auction Auto Buys.

Table by Iceclastic (#22924)


Posted 2020-11-15 21:07:19 (edited)
Auctions: Adults
MI: 20SC
Carnage, Predator
SB: 80SC/1GC CB: AB by Greyscale (#31267) AB: 16GC
Tier II
6 markings
292 stats
⭐️ Lazy
All Monochrome Markings
SB: 240SC/3GC CB: 240SC - plantcemetery (#8871) AB: 20GC
99% Chaser
2 years 7 months
360+ stats
6 markings
⭐️ Lazy

Table by Iceclastic (#22924)


Posted 2020-11-20 21:06:32 (edited)
~Iceclastic's T2 Adoptions~
I've been off Wolvden for quite a while, and want to get back into the swing of things. I had a bunch of T2 puppies up for sale previously, but I'm not sure I'm interested in keeping up with a sales thread right now, and I'm out-of-touch with the market. But since I did put a lot of work into some of these pups (and there are some real lookers in here), I'd like to get them to good homes!

  • Pups are first come, first serve
  • There's a 10SC adoption fee
  • Limit 3 pups per player
Just respond to this thread with the pup you want, and I'll get it sent off to you. If the pup hasn't been weaned, I'll reserve them and send them when they're ready :]
Female || 8.5 months || ☯️ Unfriendly
Sandy || 3M || 325 stats
White Urajiro
Female || 8 months || ☯️ Anxious
Tawny || 5M || 328 stats
Female || 6.5 months || 💗 Precise
Isabel || 7M || 314 stats
Ducat Back Heavy Patch, Black Merle Patches
Female || 6 months || 🔥 Vulgar
Sphalerite || 4M || 342 stats
Beige Tamaskan Unders
Female || 6 months || 🔥 Malicious
Lilac || 7M || 361 stats
Dinar Agouti
Male || 6 months || 💗 Trusting
Pale || 3M || 310 stats
Red Smoke

Table by Iceclastic (#22924)


Posted 2020-12-02 15:23:03 (edited)
~Iceclastic's Trained Wolves~

Hello and welcome to my sales den! I work on a variety of projects that tend to leave me with a fair number of low-gen fully-trained wolves hanging around that could use new homes. I also have an incessant need to put my wolves in pretty little tables, so I've decided to keep this thread to track all of my upcoming and current sales :]

I generally know when I'm going to be selling a particular wolf, so you'll notice most have a sales date instead of a sales link. You can reach out about buying a particular wolf early, but understand I may reject the offer if it would be too inconvenient to replace at the time.

All wolves will be 100% hunger/mood and over any role cooldowns on their posted sales date.

You may offer wolf trades instead, but I am much less likely to accept them than currency. I'm more likely to accept yearling TII NBWs or pretty TII+ 6M+ high stat wolves of any generation, but there's no guarantee.

I will not accept lower currency offers for wolves just because you want to buy them early unless they are 10% or below proficiency at the time.

Thanks for stopping by!
Male || 1 years 0 months
Tuff || 4M || G10
Chased: 2023-06-03 || Status: Unknown


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