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More Caves

Posted 2021-02-08 15:14:21

I agree!! I have so much cave stuff . No one is buying them so I just held on to them . I would love to have a total of 8 caves at least . 


Posted 2021-02-10 11:35:45

Support! I'd love to have more cave slots


Posted 2021-02-10 11:37:45

Support!! I’ve always hoped someone would bring this up!!


Posted 2021-02-10 12:24:14

Big support! I have 5 caves already and definitely have at least 3 more caves I want to make.


Posted 2021-02-11 00:42:37

BIG time supporting this !! We need this in a bad way


Posted 2021-04-14 21:03:26

Big support. Managing large packs with only 5 caves is onerous. 

🧚 Corgi le Fay 🧚

Posted 2021-04-15 19:18:46

Big time support I need more ways to organize 

⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Cain Simp🕷

Posted 2021-04-16 19:18:51

just saw that a topic with a similar topic was locked as a duplicate, but i would like to reiterate my support on this one. huge packs and 5 caves do not a good time , make. id say 10 should be more than enough so i wouldn't say more than that but either wayi would definatly love to have more caves, even just for sortings sake, nevemind the lore that it could allow players.


Posted 2021-04-29 09:06:31

100% support for this!

As a lore player it's hugely inconvenient to not be able to have more than 5 caves at a time. I would love to be able to organize my Empire further into it's own internal factions as I originally intended. It would also be super beneficial with people with large pack as it gets kinda hard on the eyes when all wolves are listed in a big wall of text.

Personally I think the cap could stop at 10, or maybe at 15? I'm not really keen on having to unlock them with currency. The pack space is already enough imo.


Posted 2021-04-29 09:13:55

support! i end up using my unsorted cave as an extra cave, which just isn't ideal given how illnesses spread.

eve [semi-hiatus]