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xylax based herbalism off the american heathcare system

xylax based herbalism off the american heathcare system
Posted 2020-11-01 05:46:09

you have to see a doctor (herbert) to get diagnosed even when you know what your illness is so you can get medicine (so the medicine is clearly prescription)

you have to pay money for diagnosis, but not as much when you have a better herbalist (your herbalist is your insurance agent)

new players (who are poor) lose their precious pixel children to disease

thank you xylax, very cool

that concludes my ted talk


Posted 2020-11-01 05:47:51

Well, Xylax has nothing to do with how the herbalist is coded.

He is WD artist...


Posted 2022-04-26 06:33:40
Why did Xylan do this?


Posted 2022-05-03 12:47:00 (edited)
Xylax is a head Wolvden artist and has to do basically nothing with the herbalist

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-10-27 09:43:09
(I just made an entire storyline, forgive me for my sins)

I have a pup named Atsuo-kun (just call him Atsuo if you want) and he was sick when I got him, I had to trade a few herbs for a Winterfat, then give the herbs to Teruma (my herbalist) to make an Open Wound Salve. Even then Atsuo's survival chance was still low as heck. Somehow, he survived the next rollover and I still have him. If he died, I don't have a jellyfish so I wouldn't be able to revive him. I refrain from buying things with real money so I don't have any Gold cones, therefore I have nothing to buy a jellyfish with. (Ima just end here becuz I'm starting to go off topic)

Posted 2022-10-30 05:12:13 (edited)
You seem unaware that Survival chance and Deseases have nothing to do with one another, Akemi-chan?
Survival chance is how protected your pup is. You need a pupsitter for it, once a pupsitter protects that pup enough, its survival chance will be 100% and it wont be at risk of dying. Edit: AND that pupsitter better NOT protect any other puppies at that time. Akemi-chan, your pupsitter is literally overwhelmed, he's pupsitting 9 puppies with only 70% protection he can give total - so each pup is obviously only getting minimal 7% protection. Re-assign your puppy to be a Single protected pup to a pupsitter that does NOT have any other pups to protect, and its protection will be much greater, giving it far more chances to survive.
The protection a pup sitter gives is NOT per pup. Its total. It divided between pups when you assign many pups to one pupsitter. So if a pupsitter gives 70% protection, then he will give 1 pup a 70% protection; 2 pups would get 35% each from him; and so forth, diving down to mere 7% your pup is getting! Of course its at risk of dying, its basically not getting any protection at all because the pupsitter has too many pups assigned!
A good rule of thumb to follow, 1 pup per 1 pupsitter. NO more. Then your puppies will be getting the best care, without you having to worry about their protection. Obviously, you need to feed and play with them every day, as well. Leaving them hungry and not played also makes their survival rate drop down.

Deseases are different. Only some are dangerous. Most are merely annoying, some like Fleas arent dangerous at all nor affecting anything a wolf does, others like Open Wounds prevent your wolf from completeting roles. My leaders have diarrhea for months with nothing happening to them, I dont even bother checking/curing them because, why waste stuff on something that does nothing.

So. No. Herbalism isnt based on anything. Its just a random system intended to make the game harder, like many other features are also intended to make it harder. (Wolvden is a browser game Dark Souls, basically - it pursues the "nightmare difficulty is cool because its harder" mindset in about every feature.) But specifically deseases are more just an annoying random feature than something really dangerous to your wolves, so there's very rarely a really "urgent" need to cure them. Most deseases can just be left as-is.

ALSO, Xylax is not american, so he'd not have any impression on american health care system because he's never seen it. Most admins are not american actually even the buisness itself is located in England, check the info bar below every page.
Mad Hyena

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